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![]() I have moved.......
![]() Two words for one
GROW UP! or is it too hard a word for you to comprehend? I would think so
![]() In recent shocking memory in my mind
has left a mark in indenial that my love is home Been spending these 3 days since Sunday with her and each moment seems newer than before not because we've been apart for a bit but, it was a decision we chose to take and live How often do we often sit and think about our lives, goals and future? The indefinite paths that we choose and come across, how people change our mindsets and maturity how we simply grow up, in other words. Before I crawl into bed, I stopped and thought of what I have seen, read and felt. For you, I think u're lying individual in many ways selfish, immatured and self indulgence. Forgiveness lies within yourself, but guilt never runs away. But with such a character like yours, what goes around comes around It had never left, you just don't see it. For you, it's not jealousy or envy, immaturity or naive It's just such a failure that your pretence character brings immaturity sets on another, a perfect thought was set before the history ended We were stupid to see what faces you have. For another, finding comfort and trying to be all that 'sweet' never get you far grow up and next time you find some comfort in another, pick on your conscience first. For one far away, it's been a while. I wonder your existence is still around. I often found on your written around, but how have you been? I send my comfort and friendship across the seas, and I pray you are much stronger in your mind, heart and decisions. I'm here, just here. For love, kisses never fail to melt a heart, words never fail to indulge in helpless mind. through thick and thin, we know how conscience pricks the ones that sink, the ones' characters we would never endure. For love and many days we fulfill, it's a neverending story. For gurlie, I'm happy you're happy cause you're happy that I"m happy. And we're happy cause we know we're happy and cause we know we're happy we'll always be on the happy side where we'll always be happy. For a passerby, my amazement how you read through this, how my thoughts seem to even enter your mind to understand or do you find understanding a big problem? I didn't understand a single line I wrote, the fingers just went on typing. my mind and conscience have left a note I'm getting away from all these thoughts I'm bitchy today and I deserve it. *I'm waiting for a velvet night at Zouk on Friday, at least I know I'm surrounded by maturity and peace* Move bitch, get out the way
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![]() Was looking through the 'lost and found' book I ever so enjoyed on nights where thoughts ran through a helpless and empty mind the book fills a story of a heart once broken yet strengthened My ever so dearest baybee would be home in six days and how I longed for that wonderful hugs and kisses. I'm a sucker for that, as so I think. But nevertheless, I'm appreciating the many whom kept me company this whole month it's not the end, it's just the beginning. I'm in a occupational dilemma for my studies to continue or not, it has happen once again. This time, with many much support and sponser for people around me my parents have been asking me to study a different line as what they know of what I always wanted to do tourism, hotel or child psychology. It was a dream to enter the line of tourism, working overseas as much But, how much would you earn and how far can one go? In fact, how much can one earn in the Singapore industry As far as I am concern, I have a roof, food and enough to survive and be happy that's good enough. So where do this life go from here... what futures lies within me Simply enjoy this type of night of thinking and more thinking deciding and making a decision. If it was that simple to just toss a coin. Perfection is simplity. Imperfection is confusion. I'm in a state that the mind's running epmty and the heart's caught within Words of wisdom doesn't help much, yet I need a moment of decision without regret, desperation or even pressure. Prayers is what I depend, signs are what I see the heart will follow thee, until it meets my mind.
Another week's passed! Gosh! it's that fast. One moment you're at the peak of a busy week, and the next you're still at the busy peak. Just that..... you can spend a lil time updating blogs like me! So then I peeked into Pickles' bloggy J.U.S.T TO K.I.L.L SOME T.I.M.E OFF A W.O.R.K.I.N.G. SATURDAY I got an idea from her what to blog today! 10 good reasons why Lala is happy today!
10 reasons why Lala feels she missed!
![]() It's just these days
where T.I.M.E S L O W L Y and all one can do is just S.I.T and watch day pass this S.L.O.W
![]() All I want is to feel this way To be this close, to feel the same All I want is to feel this way The evening speaks, I feel it say I have finally found my long awaited search! thanks to my baybee darlin!!!! Thanks love, without you I would be still searching
This mind blowing week often ends off well An utterful awful start to the week to actually put my attention on naive behaviours and totally disappointment it's not surprise like what many said... "behaviour indulgence in their own kind, no wonder they make perfection" Stupility and simple comprehension to understand Gosh! Their minds must have grown somewhere unnecessary... they need to grow up! and i mean GROW UP! cause most of the time growing up isn't always about you. So then, an end to a deprive attention from these people What more can I ask for this week? with baby dearest smiles and love from far Which all ends well, Lala feels loved by her baybee and fwens......
+*In Perfect SiLence*+
+*LookinG ARounD*!+
Click on START first, and wait till the background color changes. Once it changes, hit STOP! The addiction starts here..
+*Weren't they just memories?*!+