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![]() 6Am... just worke up since my beauty sleep at 8pm last night! terrible right!!! Tell me about it! Feel all so funny this morning! Probably cause I din't talk to my baby! soB!!! half an hour more to bathe.. slacking away... thinking what i should teach later. Last min! what's new for teacher Avril. Had a funny experience last night. Had a bad headache, had dinner and went straight to bed. I guess i was in deep sleep for 5 mins or so when my whole body just jumped on my bed while lying now, as though some spirit entered my body. Get what i mean? FreakY? Eh... my headache was gone.. IMMEDIATELY! I guess it wasn't someone entering me, but was my spirit went for a walk to have dinneR? Corny? Yea.. what's new! Had a new kid yesterday, very very spolit.. He's 4 this year, but looks like 2. Every minute also want to play, was seriously very very angry with him! Kept saying he wanted to play. I swear if it was my kid, he wouldn't get such good treatment. u might be thinking what kind of early childhood educator am i? I know, being a mother and a educator is different. When it's your own kids, u want the best out of them? who wouldn't. There are methods of disciplining a child, soft method or hard. Hmmm.. i dun think i would be the soft method no the hard way, Firm will be good. on the other hand, i think my hubby will spoil them. u know how soft hearted clement can be. (not being able to leave when his buddies put fwenship on the line for asking him to stay overnight! hehehe!! kidding). Can imagine these kids running to their daddy when i'm firm and this daddy will cuddle them on the couch to watch soccer and there he looks at me and mouths the words "i love you" (Which would melt my heart all over again) *Day dreams* oopsy! too much drama? But hey! who knows?!! it's nice thinking of the future and working towards it. Hmmm.. 12 more mins.. i'm really not looking forward to that new kid! OH! come on Avril.. be professional! But but!!! alright! =( i'm meeting Xiao bao later for coffee.. Do miss my slacking kaki!! (Ok ah bao if u're reading this, stop making yer head swell!) Xiao bao's my best starbucks session kaki, always gossiping, pouring out our views on IJ tp people. (Not that we want to.. but somehow we used to have similar problems from these tp peeps) We ourselves haven't got freaking clue. but it doesn't matter to us anymore.. cause WE MOVED ON. I EMPHASIZE.. XIAO BAO AND I HAVE MOVED ON AWAY FROM ALL THESE PROBLEMS! We're happy people..i think she is!!?! Hmm.. well, she got me!! so what the hell! think i need to head down zouk soon. Maybe this weekend?! Maybe la.. Ok.. shower time!!! boring entrY? Well, u couldn't help but to get clued to this. No one ask you to read everything! *Grinz*
![]() Love today... i smiled almost every minute of it! Well, I finally figured the stupid HTML is all about! YEsh, the trying to act smart Avril did her bloG HERSELF!!! *ClapZ* Yippee.. i liked it.. reminds me when I was a little girl crazy about fairy tales. I'm so damn freaking proud of myself! Sounds a bit bimbo? YEsh, i Admit i am... But hey! NO ONE'S PERFECT! My baby came my place this afternoon to chill out and simply relaxing the sunday afternoon awaY! Finally we get to spend some quality time alone after the busy week we both had. (Or rather I had..) OH no! just remembered about the course i was supose to have tommoore! SobZ! sianz! Went mass in the evening with emma, jem and clement. Freezing cold! But what beats the feelings of my baby attending mass with me! Well, imagining us having the best choir for our wedding and holding at OLPS. *Grinz* 5 dears ...... give us 5 years to save for the wedding, the house and settle our things first! *Winkz* Had dinner, headed home while he met lyson and Randy. I acted like a silly girl again. It's the "PMS" time of the month! Yes.. we've been going on a roller coaster ride this past 2 weeks. And i hate it when we both argue for the slightest reason, esp with my bad temper of mine! Need a change.. need to run and need to scream!!! Need to buck up in my work, need to release my stress, need my boy, need my hazelnut or vodka would do. Need head banging music.. need to be the determined Avril i used to be! i need to find myself! *Don't like mondays, wish i could all day* *I miss eating Xiao LOng BAO* *Need A running Schedule to work out* *Miss my bestiez* *So happy for one of my bestie who found her life again and be who she really is* HUgs *Date with egeria for high tea next saT* p/S: Father Luke said something meaningful today "Crying is a sign of strength" I have to commit going to church more often! It makes me stronger in my thinking, makes me reflect, makes me talk to god about what's been happening. I feel my grandma's presence whenever I'm in church. It feels like God is conveying to my grandma what i wanna tell her. Imagine god had a handphone, wonder which model he would carry? Hmmm.. nokia? Samsung? Maybe he signed up with starhub 2 years plan or hey! god with broadband network writing on his blog too. He wrote: "Had a child called Avril scribbling on the blog about whether i had a hp! She must be that bored!" Ok.. it sounds crappy now.. enough crappy ness! my fairytale....Up to this day... I'm still trying to believe I'm Mr. Clement Cheng's gf. Weird? Nope, it's a dream god planned for our paths to cross after the nice bumpy rides we went around in our lives. We found each other once again... =) *BlissFUL* *Blushex* He loves his little princezz! MUAh!
![]() ![]() love this ring.. simple yet class! *That's a hint baby!!!*
![]() check out the web site: www.citigems.com.sg
![]() Wow..
Saturday night! Here i am in the midst of an arsenal half time period trying to squeeze in a blog entry winthin 15 mins. just got homE from pS! Headed to town this afternoon, caught the movie Alfie: nice but.. ok la.. a common movie. Went to pacific plaza, saw a damn nice watch at rip curl! super duper nicE nice nicE!! Met ida and faeizah on the streets... surprised?! yea.. shoocked! was hoping not to see the rest, but i did from far.. i scrammed my back and walked the other way! Clement and i had a small argument. i'm back to the old ways! Avril.. wake the hell up! i'm being that selfish and self centreed B*tch again! yesh.. saying that everything's ok when i'm not actually. Why the hell did aaron and i go wrong? u can guess it if u're smart enough. I would get sick of guessing on what's on my mind! Cause i myself don't know what's on my mind. i think i would be so selfish feeling the way i shouldn't be feeling. but what's worst of that feeling is trying every minute to guess what's going on the head of the girl u love? that was clement this evening. though he's the mind reader, he aint god. And honestly, i was being unfair to him. (I'm sorry honey!) Everything's alright now.... we cleared things up and we still love each otheR! *muackZ* Met egeria, yesh, my ever lasting bitchy fwen. I thank her for her company and her nonsense. Talked about poly, about our iep on how she's gona sue RTRC for keeping our project books, about abortion. Don't ask me how the topic came about.. i dun remember. youngsters reading this: before u zip down that pants of yours, think twice if u got a condom ready! ahahhaa!!! that's not a good advicE! but oH.. what the hell! for those tv junkiez, i guesed u saw the citigemz advertisement. Check out the gift that Fiona Xie and that Joanne peh girl exchanged at the wedding advertisement! i love that braclet! *HintZ* went into the shop.. think it cost 3000 plus.... dun worry i'm keeping on eyes on the cheapeer oneS!!! hahaha take a look at the pictures.. managed to get it from the web site! enjoy!
![]() ![]() that's the end of my wasted story
![]() look agAin
![]() look again
Friday night: i hate fridays u know.. or rather.. i had a boring night! Was hoping to chill out tonight, but the sudden change of plans made me stay at home. Yes the usual computer logging on websites that i shouldn't be wasting my time. but what the hell was i suppose to do. i sat infront of my Tv for 5 hours, phone's aint ringing, came online.. got bored.. and this is what i did.. photoshop having the intention of setting up a account for him and me. It doesn't matter now, i shouldn't be wasting my time on such stupid websites, i got other better things to do don't i? So what the F*** shall i do with these pictures i've been trying to figure out arranging for the past 2 hours. Last resort: add them on fwenster and forget about the whole damn fwenster shit! listening to "video killed the radio star". loud music.. good for the night! avril's Freaking bored think I'll run tommrrow morning. Why isn't there a day i can really relax and be myself! gosh! i need to get a proper liFE!!! and not waste my time on such stupid websites... like this one.. what rubbish does blog do? make people write stupid things like this! crap shit... internet killed the imperfect star!
![]() photoz to view since it aint gonna put up
![]() YEs, been busy with work. Computer's screwing the hell of me! but.. it's been a good boy today.. hopefully it stays that way. It's 10.55pm, i'm dragging my time to do my work.. the usual fwenster, blogging, talking to clement leE! (harlow the gay partner of my darling!) and lyson! and the usual mails and msn! i miss my baby!!! he's sleeping!!! (pig!!!!) i miss emma!!! though i meeting her soon! i miss xiao bao!!!! (silly gal always so busy!) Once i get through this week.. i'm free!!! I wish!!! Gottta get some things settled for a new start of my plans in saving money, have to head for a course next monday @ ntuC headquarters. HopeFully, i dun meet some "people" who's office is just next door!!!! New song to download" crazy beautiful by hanson! not baD la!!! signing off now.. this is such a crap entry!
![]() Sweetz! aft a soCCer gamE!
![]() ![]() * But i do loVe yoU... *
Found this on the zouk newsletter... Cool heading! [I resolve . . .to be aware of my actions . . .not to be late . . . to write more, think more, eat less . . . to travel the world and find myself . . . to find love (Think i'll change this one to "be a better love"] 3 events that's hmm.. sad? happy? Don't know la.. you read on and decide. 1. The older princess of the wong family is finally tying the knot! yeS! my sister.. the ever bestie sister i ever had! Proposal at a pub with a carlberg song, yes the "i love you baby". my brother inlaw has been pratising hard for it! And of course.. how can my sister reject!!! yipeee.. my sister is getting married!!! and i know Jourdan will take care of her. =) I have a brother in law! 2. My dad told me my grandma ia having similar experences like mama.. yes, the normal symptoms of self-proclaiming sights of my late grandfather or people who's not around in this world. Funny how they can feel/see. Well, it brought me memories of mama. i miss her. An incident i had this afternoon, i walked from my school to parkway today (yes! believe it! AVRIL HAD A 20 MINUTES WALK UNDER THE HOT SUN) Mad? Nah, just wanted some sun to kill the germs around me! Well, passed a so called peranankan display shop with clothes, food and other stuff relating to the culture. Suddenly, i stopped in front of the shop. The smell, the very familar smell.. i smelt the powder mama used to use... it brought me to tears, it just felt that she was so close to me but yet she's invisible. =) (i know my mama is watching me, she gives me comfort when i see her things in chaechae's room. Sometimes, i do feel her having dinner with us, laughing at the silly things we say and definitely protecting me from the naughty devil! i love you ma! Well, as for my other grandma, i wish her well soon. She'll be in my prayers. 3. My baby just told me he wanted to go back soon to australia. Yes, as usual the princess will show that nasty temper of hers without thinking! Avril Avril.. when will you ever grow up!!! Terrible right? tell me about it! knowing that he has his good intentions of coming back early, i would rather just be quiet the whole evening. Don't worry, it wasn't just that brought my mood. It was just the tuesday blues that i was suffering from. i'm sorry baby for showing temper. i still love you! muaH! okok... shouldn't be so mushy! but what to do?!?! *Grinz* wish i had the same mood to do my kids bulletin like how i am writing this blog of mine! Deadline's on friday, and I'm so dead. So many things, so little time! Wish i had a cup of starbucks' ice hazelnut latte. it would so perk me up somehow, someway... For now.. I'M STRESSED!!! Believe it!!!! I am .. I need ..... *Ahem* What were you thinking!?!?! told you that u can't find some karma sutra shit here. I need my bed and my essential oil, anc acid jazz and my hazelnut latte! Great song on my mp3 (leann rimes "But i do love you") I don't like to be alone at night And I don't like to hear I'm wrong when I'm right And I don't like to have the rain on my shoes But I do love you. But I do love you I don't like to see the sky painted grey And I don't like when, nothin's goin my way And I don't like to be the one with the blues But I do love you But I do love you I love everything about the way your lovin me. The way you lay your head upon my shoulder when you sleep And I love to kiss you in the rain I love everything you do, oh I do-o And I don't like to turn the radio on, Just to find I missed my favorite song And I don't like to be the last with the news But I do love you But I do love you. I love everything about the way your lovin me. The way you lay your head upon my shoulder when you sleep And I love to kiss you in the rain I love everything you do, oh I do And I don't like to be alone at night And I don't like to hear I'm wrong when I'm right And I don't like to have the rain on my shoes But I do love you. But I do love you But I do love you. But I do love you Just for you sweetie.. *Winkz*
![]() ![]() We just looooVe the CamZ!
![]() BlissfuLLY enGAged!
![]() Partners in crime!
![]() This is my hubby to be..... Clement Cheng
I came upon a thought of how my funeral would be like. Yes dear, i know i shouldn't be talking about this. But it just reflected my thoughts like 10 mins ago. Here i am on a saturday night, clement just left my plaCe. =) As my mp3z play on, my computer went on a screen saver mode. Pictures that i took before came about and there playing was "walking after you" by foo fighters. I just stood at the computer playing old pictures and new ones. From the days of ngee ann showed becky, mel, dee, egeria, lin, hudz, rochelle, jane, cynthia, irene and more and more. It's dunny how i dun see much of them anymore. Then came pictures of my family... my grandma, evan, dom, my sister.. it just brought back many memories. The days in kids central were the sweetest! little ones like shane, sarah, wai yee.. and more and more... then came clement pictures where we stood before we went and the christmas we spent, he in aust and many more. i smiled as these pictures moved on. (Thanks sweetie, for the times u spend with my family like today and the past few days u were at my place, it meant alot just you being here. They luff ya and u know that! =) ) i love the picture my besties and i took at sylvia's party. Well, we dun meet up that often. But, i know they'll always be there.. Best buddies don't always have to meet 24/7. it's how they are there when u need them the most and how much they mean to you. That's why they are called my best buddies! Cheers to emma, cern, sylvia, nicz, jadey and our darling shing! hugs! Well, that's how people come and go in my life. Seems funny how you get to know new and old friends. As what i said before they come and go. And with each learning experience you have with each of them, makes you either a better person or the opposite. i learnt not to expect my friends to be there, but i do believe being there for them. i know you might think like hey! it's bullshit... friends like that would take you for granted. But think about it, it's better to have friends that know that you're there for them rather than none. i'm one that can't live without my friends, hate being alone though now i do learn the art of solitary time! haha! But, hey, you need friends whom you trust, whom you pour your tears and have your laughter with. "that's what friends are for?" aren't they? For those friends i lost contact, never contact.. or simply don't remember or i was mean to you in any way. I'm sorry! i know this is silly. But, i wouldn't know maybe there is someone that i wasN't being nice to or simply ignorance towards him/her. Well.. who knows? here's signing off...... sleepy head me!
![]() ![]() My beSt buddy and me! Teacher Avril and Teacher Emma!
![]() SLacking at Simei bestie
![]() MY sweetie PUMPKIN!
![]() The EX kC angelS! i miSS theM!
![]() Me and my SlaCkeR kaKI
![]() neW yR's eve!
![]() the beautiFul letDowN
![]() the little one
![]() me and the love of my life
![]() the wong sisters
![]() my besties !
21st January: A new blog is born.. finally a need to organise my thoughts of life, feelings, experiences and whatever else that complicates a silly girl like me. This is me.. Avril Rae-anne. 22 in this world trying to find myself or have i already found myself. Used to dislike blogs, but seeing people pen down their thoughts and feelings about their life makes me realise i do need a place where i can write the nice, sweet, bitchy, not so nice and well.. MY LIFE! "Understand that this is a dream" it might not be for me, but as you read on.. you are reading avril's dreamy life on cloud 10! okok.. that's super corny.. It doesn't matter if people are reading this. This is for me.. so don't bother coming all the time to check if Avril updated some gossips of her life. Cause hey, this is a all u can find gossip page, or a blog where u can find kama sutra experiences of any kind! get the hint!?!?! i;m just kidding! Well, summarisinG... i'm having a new job... yesh, still working hard for that extra cash and trying to save (which never works). Love my family though sometimes it's hard spending some time with them. I still do think about my grandma, especially when i pass chaechae's room and seeing mama's things there. i do look her photos, and holding her cardigan. I miss her smile, her laughter, the way she called me Ah-vil, the look when she saw me across the road when i visited her at All saints, the day the machine carried her coffin and the last night at the furneral where i stood by her coffin and spoke to her. Just like how she always spoke to me, i felt she did that night and she smiled at me back. i miss rubbing her hand, pushing her wheel chair and laughing at her jokes when she said silly things. I still do cry at night. i miss her, i do. My baby and it's great having him here.. (hopefully he stays or i'll just drag his leg when he enters the deparature hall when he leaves. p/s: here he is next to me sleeping on my bed like a little boy *Grinz*. Clement and I have been great, little arguments here and there. We talk things out more often now. i'm beginning to understand what love is about, how love isn't about meeting everyday, what love isn't calling and talking 24 hours. It's about matual understanding, accepting, maturity, and yesh personal space for each other. We are planning for the future, saving money, having our two kids kieran and sarah. i thank god for him. He's my sweetie pie. =) Fwenz.. they come and go. my besties are great, love them though we don't meet up much! the best memories are always the ones from KC. nothing can beat the friendship you have with your friends. i miss my kids at LV. Guy!! Waiyee, Marsha, Shane, Charlene, suMo and cutie sarah and not forgetting PUMPKIN!!! yesh, memories are really inreplacable. Runing with them in the fields and yes the times we had picnic at the basket ball court! =) Well, move on avril... my new job, lesser hours, higher pay, lesser kids. I'm not paid for nothing. it's a high challenge working with Dani. but it's a satisfaction. She increases my knowledge about the world of educating, about handling the hard and demanding parents of today, about the smart ones of the future. It is great but it means more stress! i like it! hopefully my health gets better. A new side of my life, met new friends, saw life the way it should be. Love this phrase i read from a book "Learn to have money work for you rather than you work for money" Shant say much about it, when the time is right, it would be. That's how Avril has been on with her life.... photos for some who haven't got a clue who i've been talking about in my life! here's one for you
+*In Perfect SiLence*+
+*LookinG ARounD*!+
Click on START first, and wait till the background color changes. Once it changes, hit STOP! The addiction starts here..
+*Weren't they just memories?*!+