![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() are u listening god? *Pinned up by the butterflies*
![]() Can I see where I go? *Pinned up by the butterflies*
![]() For my fwen... you know who u are .... *Pinned up by the butterflies*
Haven't been blogging since monday. Busy busy busy! Just got back from City hall, the relief of finally settling my university application and of course it's friday tommmoore! The only thing that aint feeling too good is that I MISS MY BABY! Headed to Clement's place for dinner on tuesday. Love the dinners his family have. Well, sad to say though i understand three quarter of bits and pieces of some of the cantonese language, Teacher Avril got more to learn! No worries with Clement, my auntie, my collegue and even Dani at school who's teaching me here and there! And gotta say! lurve chilling at his toliet! I swear! The moment u sit at his toliet bowl and look out of the window, you wouldn't wanna move your ass! =) Grinz! The next days was rushing of work and my essay which I was rushing for today's early bird deadline! Thanks to the wonderful sister, managed to get some stuff done! Wheelock here I come! Don't understand why I get picked by that person for reasons I haven't got a clue. Cupboard, Toliet, Earring... what the hell! So much for just listening and explaining properly. For no reason, I get picked and scolded. Is my existence really uncherished by her. And now I get shut away my clement. Great night isn't it? What the hell did I do wrong to make you all turn away.... Maybe it's me being a bitch Maybe I am unwanted Maybe I wasn't suppose to be here Where should I run to... I thought the day would end well since I'm more settled with more things. Guess I was wrong. Life goes on..... It's just me and my music...
![]() Where did all the uncles go on Leonie Hill Road on tuesday night! *Pinned up by the butterflies*
![]() Tired Sleep Gastric Stress Overload Brain drained Miss you Tired Obsessed blogger Dread Old pix New pix Excessive non stop Sleep Acid Jazz Downtown Scribbles Dread to blog yawn will blog soon enjoy pix promises LOve you honey!
![]() This is what Becky and I do when we are bored.. *Pinned up by the butterflies*
![]() The cannot make it pic by the C.J people! *Pinned up by the butterflies*
![]() This is what egeria does when she is bored *Pinned up by the butterflies*
![]() Yummy Crystal jade! *Pinned up by the butterflies*
![]() The bitches in action! *Pinned up by the butterflies*
![]() My queen bitch send off almost a month back! *Pinned up by the butterflies*
![]() We're bored ! *Pinned up by the butterflies*
![]() the road of focus.. *Pinned up by the butterflies*
![]() The sweet heart! *Pinned up by the butterflies*
![]() My nag machine! *Pinned up by the butterflies*
![]() The family who makes me smile! *Pinned up by the butterflies*
![]() ![]() Easter brings eggs! *Pinned up by the butterflies*
Tired.Easter.Lazy to blog.Obsessed blogger has dread to blog. Work.Colouring pencils.Need the Panadol. Skittles.China flags.Digi Charging. Rain falls on my head. Urge to puke. Something's wrong.Maroon5.I miss Emma. Headache.Thinking about Mama.Feeling sick. Upload.Picture files.Redo essay. Don't care.What's with the status. Haze. Move on. Focus. Puke. The need to run Among the mountains on green fields pretty flowers the rainbow neverending clouds The need to bite chocolates and biscuits Hard and cripsy Hazelnut *Bleach* The need to scream on the lonely road the lights flickering endless hugs sealed with a kiss The need to dream of funny bunnys of honey lemon drink in a brown cottage house on a rainy day. The need.... What is the need? The need to just blog... contridicts what i just said before. The obsessed blogger dreads to blog.... Will blog in the right way not in the funny tone. Need of a good laugh of a good hug of a good kiss Aint horny Just lonely Aint quarrelling Just loving Aint stubborn Just missing No funny tones Just lazing words With no sentence that simply mean anything Good night... When Avril gets back...... she'll be alright.... For now... *RaeAnne runs around her garden... *
![]() ![]() The picAsa Craze *Pinned up by the butterflies*
![]() *The boy who stole my heart!* *Pinned up by the butterflies*
![]() My love... *Pinned up by the butterflies*
![]() What do you do when your loved one is sleeping? *Pinned up by the butterflies*
Good friday Sleepless Aircon leak 8am Bad tummy! Breakfast with Daddy and Mummy Church later Addicted to Mr.Lonely Emma on Msn Sleep Baby's up Rush rush rush Emma's call Bathe Fetch Emma 2pm Taxi gossip Oops! Bad tummy! Stations of the cross Gastric Amazing Grace Mama Tears in my eyes Baby's next to me Kissing the cross Emma's santa bag Bus 143 Take picture, take picture Taka! Yummy noodles Jem the retro boy Escalator Japanese Balls Happy birthday Alvin Walk back Essay Baby's sleeps Tired XiaoBao tua me Emma's msg Closed lift Bang the door Baby's sick I have a Bad tummy Yawn! Snuggling with you Fried Rice Learn Chinese Home? Mrt Yawn Ipod Missed calls Mr.Lonely playing 12.00- Happy birthday lyson! Medicine Bad tummy Photoshop I'm doing this! Hungry Sleep Yawn.
![]() happy birthday! *Pinned up by the butterflies*
![]() ![]() i pray that.. *Pinned up by the butterflies*
![]() My bestie and me! *Pinned up by the butterflies*
![]() happy birthday dude! *Pinned up by the butterflies*
![]() The Digi boredom! *Pinned up by the butterflies*
![]() Last day of the week for school. Tired is what I feel. Been finishing work real late and the work load's getting heavy. Need to really start my essay! the last minute working late routine is starting again! BAD!!!! Headed to Clement's place after work for a shower! Bad weather and imagine the smell of kids and the whole day's work. I swear Mag's shampoo is super duper smelling good! Awwww... Addicted to it! We headed to planet for some pool with Clement Lee! Awesome smooth cues and nice tables. You should try it someday. Had dinner, headed to Church of the Scared Heart for holy thursday visiting. It was some quiet praying for the both of us. Well, had many things on my mind, mainly praying that everything will go smoothly, make me less stubborn and of course thanking god for the promises he kept, for the strength he's giving me and for the wonderful man next to me. It was a good day with Clement especially when we spent more time despite his work load that's piling up for him too. Have you felt really secure and loved in someone's arms when they hug you? I have and i'm keeping it. =) love you honey!
![]() it's me and my baby in this lifetime.. *Pinned up by the butterflies*
![]() Thursday blues *Pinned up by the butterflies*
![]() lonely! *Pinned up by the butterflies*
![]() My bestie and our dinner! *Pinned up by the butterflies*
![]() Haven't been blogging for a day or two! Call me lazY! Yes i was... Or rather I was drained by the work load, by uni stuff, bank loans and etc etc.. Had dinner at Cheng's place! Feels good having dinner with his family. Well, the thoughts of the future just flashed passed as i sat through the dinner with good thoughts to get my mind thinking! thanks to his dad! Well, was tempted with a irresistible melted chocolate fuggy cake that was simply too good to rejected! The temptation though it was nicely wrapped up with plastic! Hey! enjoying the moment won't die! just adding a few pounds! Plus.. it's shared with someone I love with all my life. What else matters. But after the temptation and sharing the cake! the gulit rides that crossed my minds on the major dieting i must go through and the second thoughts of eating cakes again! Why can't one ever overcome temptation when they need to the most! But the chocolate cake was awesome.... Enjoyed every piece and second of it!
![]() The temptation one can never resist! *Pinned up by the butterflies*
![]() ![]() how true indeed!!! *Pinned up by the butterflies*
![]() ![]() For you honey... *Pinned up by the butterflies*
![]() And it's just you and me *Pinned up by the butterflies*
![]() Can I be you? *Pinned up by the butterflies*
![]() ![]() look! *Pinned up by the butterflies*
![]() OopsY! *Pinned up by the butterflies*
What is love? Does anyone know? Does love bring the blushes on your face? Does love feel like a hazelnut latte? Does love make you feel all tickled inside? Does love have the effect that you just think of him/her all day? Does love include the need for sex? Does love have a certain amount that you can show? Does love always make you cry? Does love makes you sleepy? Does love bring you to a place of heaven? Does love overule all odds? Does love live among you? Does love feel like a hug? Does love always complicates? Does love make you feel loved? Does love look for you? Does love makes you bite your nails? Does love include patience? Does love have its weaknesses? Does love makes you dream? Does love makes you write? Does love bring you comfort? Does love include obsession? Does love contain a meaning of want? Does love feel like the first bite of a long awaited Tiramisu cake? What is love? Can someone tell me? Well.... ELEPHANT LOVE MEDLEY - Ewan McGregor & Nicole Kidman Ewan: Love is a many splendid thing, Love lifts us up where we belong, All you need is love Nicole: Please, don't start that again Ewan: All you need is love Nicole: A girl has got to eat Ewan: All you need is love Nicole: Or she'll end up on the street Ewan: All you need is love Nicole: Love is just a game Ewan: I was made for lovin' you baby, You were made for lovin' me Nicole: The only way of lovin' me baby, is to pay a lovely fee Ewan: Just one night, Give me just one night Nicole: There's no way, Cause you can't pay Ewan: In the name of love, One night in the name of love Nicole: You crazy fool, I won't give in to you Ewan: Don't... leave me this way, I can't survive, Without your sweet love, Oh baby, don't leave me this way Nicole: You'd think that people would have had enough of silly love songs Ewan: I look around me, And I see it isn't so, no Nicole: Some people wanna fill the world with silly love songs Ewan: Well, what's wrong with that? I'd like to know, Cause, here I go again! Love lifts us up where we belong, Where eagles fly on a mountain high Nicole: Love makes us act like we are fools, Throw our lives away, For one happy day Ewan: We could be heroes, Just for one day Nicole: You, you will be mean Ewan: No, I won't Nicole: And I... I'll drink all the time Ewan: We should be lovers Nicole: We can't do that Ewan: We should be lovers, And that's a fact Nicole: No, nothing will keep us together Ewan: We could steal time, Just for one day Both: We could be heroes, Forever and ever, We could be heroes, Forever and ever, we could be heroes Ewan: Just because I will always love you Nicole: I can't help loving you... How wonderful life is Both: Now, you're in the world Taken from Moulin rouge.... So now what is love people? Do you have the slightest impression of your mind? Have you ever been in love? Not puppy love! But true love. Well, in other words, love that simply you can't describe with words yet you feel in your heart. Would you offer your whole life for love, fame, sex or money? And please don't be misunderstood. I ain't getting my essay ideas from this! It's just a thought that got into my head. Would you pretend to hate the one you love while you love her so deeply? Listening to the song "The hardest thing" by 98 degrees. Sad song you may find, but listening to the lyrics and you'll understand what I'm trying to say. It doesn't have anything to do with Clement and me. We're doing just fine like how it was meant to be in the first place. Well, if god didn't bring us for a merry go round, we wouldn't be standing here with strong feelings for each other. We let go of the past and moved on.. Was talking to Emma yesterday about certain people we meet in our lives. It's funny how god made us spend some of our time with people that just come and go in our lives. In the first place, why do we even make ourselves waste those times where we could have looked for others in life. P/s: this does not refer to anyone in particular! It's just a thought that we both had. And hey gal! Sorry for sleeping till till 1pm today! the sudden urge of being cramped up in bed just made me not move and not hear my phone! I think i need Novena too.. and steamboat! Awwwwwww.... the temptation of steamboat is building ever since I saw the commercial on the bus. I'm missing the fish steamboat at some place in sinagpore. But.... I don't believe we can't find another fish head steamboat that good! Right girl?! Work work work.. lots of them to do. Been in and out of bank websites! the loans is so mad that the interest can kill my whole life! But pretty settled with some of the things that are important. *YAwn* My sister took the cable to change for the Digital! And I'm dying of boredom without a TV! Sick of my computer and doing my work! Thank god I'm meeting my baby tommorroe. Heading down Ikea for some shopping for "our new place". *winks* Meatballs... and hotdogs... and bitting U! The obsession song is in my head! Thanks to Justin for introducing the song way back! It took me quite long to be in love with the song. But, it will be forever on my ipod list! *Shuffle shuffle shuffle* Back to books, Japan, japanese... And lots of work. Back to loving my baby *Smell, smell and bite!* Back to my bed... Back to my music... Back to school.. Back to be Clement's silly girl Back to be Egeria'a Baby Bitch. Back to being Avril..
![]() The jukebox plays.. *Pinned up by the butterflies*
![]() Wad............ *Pinned up by the butterflies*
![]() Just got home an hour ago from a guilt pre dinner ice cream with my bestie Emma! AWwwwww... Told ya not to tempt me right girl! Hehe! Chocolate and Mint ice cream never tasted so good plus addition of fries! Ah man! Who can ever resist that! Well, sorry jem! there was only the sauces for the fries by the time u arrived. Well, the addiction of ice cream really kills the headaches and makes you forget about the stressful things you have to worry about! Other than that! I'm back at home facing this machine and writing how the guilt eating ride has made me feel much more focused! My baby's at class now, can imagine him snoring his notes away! My sister's watching TV some love show that was so boring that i chased myself back to my room to blog! A big confession! I'm a blogger addict..... I'm writing more cause I don't want to think so much! I wish i could with this mood for my essay.. endless things to blog and bitch about, while things to write on my essay? NONE! I'M JUST KIDDING! I'm just not in that mood! But i have to soon. Well, an update of my life: 1. Work's going fine, planning on the curriculum web. Teaching my kids about Japan, Egypt and China! More kids are coming in... and my cutie pie Lucus ... the Drama king is coming from my old work place! And for information I didn't poached him! 2. Clement and I are doing great, ups and downs, tears and whines, pinches and guys, guys and girls. Whatever else you can think of. i know I can get a little out of hand! Too hard of any guy to handle? Well, this dude can handle me, my whiny, my tears, my screaming, my hugs and even bitez! I'm in love with him more than anyone else! My baby and my nag machine! 3. Well, my sister and I decided that my mum is suffering from some pms! My sister sort of told her to keep quiet this morning! *Grinz* So i aint only the bad gal in the house! My dad's being a nag about my room, how much I sleep, and how much he fights the remote for the TV with me! My sister? The No2 nag machine.. Can hear her crying over the lame show now! That's how emo she can get! Can't wait for her to get married! Ahaha! 4. My studies are pretty confirmed. Will be doing the Bachelor of Science (Early childhood Education) This is the list of modules i would be doing if u're interested to know: 1. Readers theatre 2. Drama for children 3.Critical Writing and Reading 4.Ecology and field Biology 5.Teaching Reading and writing to children in a diverse society. 6.Meaning and development of play 7.Designing curriculum and learning environment for students with special needs. 8.Film and Fiction 9.Meeting the learning needs of children in a diverse society 10.Developing problem sloving skills 11. Port folio development and presentation 12. Social policy and community collaborations. (Not confirmed though) i love the subjects... it combines with my work and also my interest in film and drama... theatre.. Amazing right! Well, wheelock here i come! ok.. chinese show start already! byeee!!!
![]() Friday boredom *Pinned up by the butterflies*
Have you ever once feel that you're lost. Having to get all the information you ever needed but becomes clueless. Have you ever wished for someone to just plan everything for you without knowing a thing. We just go with the flow and life would be just perfect? HEY! WAKE UP! IT'S THE REALITY WORLD WE'RE LIVING IN.... Been on and off speaking to people who were explaining my loans, credits and uni stuff! Terrible headache with so many things to decide, plan and simply.. I'm Sleepy. Not because I'm giving up that i'm complaining I'm tired, but the fact that I woke up early to wait for Dani's call to pass me the books on the countries i'm doing. In between, called the bank, ntuc, and the school. I swear NTUC really have bad service about helping out with reference to loans. All they asked was for me to logged into the website. What kind of help is that! Well, seeing the current situation. I would have to get the loan from the bank and pay off within 5 years. I can tell you, I really don't know what i'm doing without Clement. With an effective planner like him, we sorted out a plan which I never thought. Well, planning includes the money paying in and out, the savings and of course.. saving just in time for us to tie the knot. Lots of planning and forms to fill, lots of discipline I need on myself especially when it comes to money. But with the account we're setting up for our savings. Think it'll make me more determine to contribute to our future together. Well, gals..... think you missed your chance on such a smart and amazing guy. Sad to say, you'll never get your chance again cause he's mine, all mine! *Winks* Well, 300 bucks a month to spend aint that bad. Well guess that means less shopping, more walking, eat less and eat more at home, less movies and more dVdz! When was the last time I did enter a theatre to catch a show? Well, not in the weeks or months to come.. especially with my future brother in law bringing in latest Dvdz from Indonesia. And.. the best part is that... it's so damn clear! P/s: If do you get a chance to watch the show "Bad Education". It is a good movie for gays our there.. All the sexual images are to the benefit of gays who's brainstormin on more moves on your partner, horny priests targetting on young handsome dudes and taking videos of themselves during the hot steamy session. And if you were thinking what bad education about? Trust me, the movie doesn't link to the title. It should be 'painful @the ass' Get the hint what it's all about now? Aint recommended.. *Keep forwarding the many parts to prevent bad sores to eyes and also.. bad appetite. * My work desk's in the mess! What's new? you may ask? I wish i weren't so tired so that I can focus on my curriculum planning and also start doing up my essay for my uni entry. Well, one thing done was that I found two references that are willing to evalaute me in my application and also i need to start thinking about the current concerns! Will someone help me?!?! Egeria!!! where are you! Another important thing I need to do... *Stop peeling my nails!* And .... talk to my family about everything. Though the constant delay they always gave in supporting me in my decisions, somehow it is a sign of respect that I have to tell them what are my plans. And whether they support or not, i have to make the decision myself which is probably the ending i would expect somehow. Well, at least i know i have the suport of Clement. =) Thanks honey. Friday's here and Monday's back to school. Excited? No! Haven't done much with my work, my planning! FOCUS AVRIL! In current need of a hazelnut latte to keep me awake. Suppose to meet Xiao Bao in town today, but i really don't feel like heading out since the amount of work i'm doing isn't moving! Well... gonna take a nap! or catch some Tv to make me feel sleepy! will scribble soon... I miss my honey!
![]() ![]() The jukebox plays... *Pinned up by the butterflies*
The Urge is building up. The pens and the notes. The late nights and coffee. It's been 2 years. Children and special needs. Theatre and Drama. The highlighters. What does Ecology and Field Biology gotta do with this? The curious mind. The grasping interest. The special needs require the attention. Does critital writing and reading scare me off? Present, grow and learn. My mind's swirling around. It has been a long search. Play is what's on everyone's mind. The urge is building... The need to achieve and learn. The urge to gain what I want to gain. The need to speak up and take action. The urge of stressful moments. The need of time management. The urge of studying. The need of money. The bank. The points. The interest. The need to decide. The headache. THE UrGE oF STUDYING THE DEgREE IS BUILDING. tHE MONey AND INTEreST IS gROWING..... wISH i WaS RIch... bUT bEING rICH dOeSN'T MEAn U'll BE HAPPy.. i AM HAPPy BEING JUST wHO i NEEd TO BE...
![]() for all i did.. *Pinned up by the butterflies*
![]() Is there someone home? Is there someone to hear me? Is there someone to hold? Is there someone to touch? Is there someone to dry those tears? Is there someone to sing me a song? Is there someone in the night? Is there someone who can take the hurt away? Is there someone who listens? Is there a someone there? No one's home...............
![]() Breathe away... *Pinned up by the butterflies*
![]() The jukebox plays... *Pinned up by the butterflies*
![]() reality bites *Pinned up by the butterflies*
Am I Invincible to you? The countless times I heard you scream. It breaks my heart like a shattered glass. What wrong have I done again to just keep you going on... There's never a day I would feel proud of myself with the things and words you say of me. Am I such a letdown in your eyes or in many? Many a times, I stopped to think that you were once proud of me I think back now... none. What could I do to make me a better one for you? To study harder and be like your first? I wish someone could tell me. I was never smarter nor wiser. I was never good at many things, but I know I tried. But guess it didn't matter much to you. I was just a letdown. Times when I was lost and down, I tried to be independent and work hard to be a successful person like you wished. I am still trying while you are at the other side bringing me down. It feels like a letdown in your eyes, never good enough for the ones I loved. Cheap and a letdown were what i got. The impression of chasing me out was somehow reflected on your mind. Remember the time when you wanted to send me to a girl's home, just because I did something wrong. Was that your dream to just let me go... and believe in your whole life that I was just a letdown to you. When I worked hard and be who i am today. I was told I worked like shit and my pay was low. I was told to change my job and what I got is what I deserved for not studying hard enough. Isn't there why fate brings me here? To realise what I want to do in my life. I believed that God made plans for me, and this is one of them. To learn through the hard work and be part of children's life. Is this what i deserve for the hard work i had in school. In this entry, I wrote endless words of letdown.. And that's what I feel I am to you. I walked away not because I didn't want to hear but I felt you didn't understand. And when I tried to explain, would anyone hear? I'm sorry I can't be perfect to you in earning big bucks, being successful like your first. I'm trying, not only to earn for myself. But trying to just be myself and be independent. So much for a happy ending. Maybe it was never meant to be. This is reality where dreams are brought down, where words spoken are hurtful where actions are misunderstood and tears shed are endless. Welcome to my life... This is me..... I'm trying to live my life for you. I'm trying to work hard. I'm trying to study hard. I'm trying to save. I'm trying to be happy. I'm trying to be home. I'm trying to smile. I'm trying to talk. I'm trying to spend time. I'm trying to listen. I'm trying to accept and change. I'm trying to successful. I'm trying to be like your first. I'm trying ..... Do you even see? or do you still see I'm useless in your eyes. I lost myself once again. Maybe I was never good enough for the man i love. I lost my confidence in making you proud. I lost some of my love I have for you. I never would say I hate you nor I'll curse you. It never crossed my mind. But as I write this, endless tears are rolling down. No one knows but me. I'm hurting inside and wished you understood how much your words mean to me, how it hurt my inner being how it made me lose my confidence in myself and how much i did love you. I still thank god for you in my life. And I wished god could spend some time with me to make me feel love and give me strength again. To get over this and be a stronger person. All I need is some space to breathe and bring those tears into smiles of joy and love. I wish god was there with me and lend me a shoulder and tell me that everything is going to be alright. At times like this, I feel Mama right next to me. Holding my hand like how she always does. I know she is right here watching me and praying for me. "Lord give me strength to find peace and love, give me comfort to live my life. Dry those tears so that hurt would fade away.."
When I woke up this morning.... I felt the sudden change towards my life. Looking around my room, the pictures taken hours ago, the pictures around my room, my achievements, my wardrobe, my books, my work.. Everything! *Grinz* I'm 22! Can you believe it! A sudden glimpse of life, my life, the future, my studies, my family and my fwenz immediately haunted my thoughts in thinking "Have I been good on this earth?" Maybe what Clement said was right.. there would be a moment where u feel that you're of that age of maturity of thinking of the future and what lies ahead. Yes, you might think "Hey Avril!! U're still young!" Don't worry, that was on my mind too.. But thinking the fact that I would need to get my degree soon, having a stable income of my job and of course hoping it would increase, and my dream of travelling around the world, marrying the man of my dreams and starting a family of our own, getting my driving license, watching Pires playing for Arsenal, and having the dream like any other early childhood educator would have "To make a difference in children's lives". This is me! This is what I long for, this is what I need to achieve in this world of mine. The feeling of 22 years in this world, endless thoughts as I blew those candles of mine. So many wishes and dreams to achieve. But hey! I am still young.... And it's not impossible! This birthday of mine brought me closer to my thoughts about life, my baby, my besties and of course.. my family. It wasn't a drama celebration as many would have. But it was a birthday i would remember for rest of my life. Well, will update it later as i scribble on and listen to "Believe or not" by Ryan Scarbury (introduced by my baby). "Look at what's happened to me, I can't believe it myself. Suddenly I'm up on top of the world, It should've been somebody else. Believe it or not,I'm walking on air. I never thought I could feel so free. Flying away on a wing and a prayer. Who could it be? Believe it or not it's just me. It's like a light of a new day, It came from out of the blue. Breaking me out of the spell I was in, Making all of my wishes come true. Believe it or not, I'm walking on air. I never thought I could feel so free. Flying away on a wing and a prayer. Who could it be? Believe it or not it's just me. " These lyrics somehow said everything of all I wanted to say today. Believe it or not,I'm walking on air. I never thought I could feel so free. Flying away on a wing and a prayer. Who could it be? Believe it or not, it's just me. I thank God for the promises he made, for the happy faces I have in my life, for the wonderful events that he planned, for making me who I should really be. Life isn't the emo rides we constantly take or we constantly want to take. We can choose to skip the ride and look around us. Everything happens for a reason. I've learnt a great deal of my life and is that the joy and comfort in my life lies within my hands where I choose to live as a happy and contented person or choosing what I want only to live. Well, I don't know if one could ever understand how it feels to be 22. Maybe for you it might be different, it's just a year older, fancy parties and candles to blow. Who knows! I made a decision, to look towards the future, work for the future, happy for the future, and whatever else I dream of having in my life. I aint looking back to the past where tears were shed, where unrealistic dreams and promises were made, where people come and leave. I choose to leave that side of life and move on to a happier side where i have my family, my baby, my besties, my fwens, my work, my studies, my kids @ school and definately an older me.... You might be saying "Avril, how can you just leave everything just like that and be happier?" Trust me! It's a different feeling all over again. Read the lyrics again and you will know what I mean. As promised, an update on the happening event yesterday! Had a surprise at the stoke of midnight, with Emma, Jadey, Jem and Clement at my door step with my favourite cake. What else can I ask for this birthday. It was al planned HOURS back without me having a single clue! Thanks ........ I always wanted a surprise! And hey baby... I didn't spoil my surprise for oncE! =) Couldn't sleep that night, with Clement by my side.... awwwww...... We woke up around 9 plus, with Maggie mee for breakfast and headed down to the bird park. I swear the journey was long... super long.... thank god someone invented the mp3 to keep us company through the long sleepy and sleeping journey to the west! Did i mention i love my iPod shuffle? *Shuffle shuffle shuffle* Had Mac's for lunch with bird looking sessions, shows and where the hell are the owls! Hot day but it was amazing smelly and ehhehehe... yesh.. the session with the drama queen june which my daling was going goo goo ga ga about. If you think she was a bird, you're wrong! She's a bird keeper who's expression was so drama, her smile was amazingly wide and simply looking like one of the birds. Walked though a large area where parrots flew everywhere, bridges that looked endlessly long and no mosquitoes surprisingly. You can see from the pictures I gonna post up later. The macaws were beautiful, the eagles amazing lonely and cockatoos simply intelligent and we were simply Tired! Got back, had a bath. Godma came with a hazelnut cake! Yummy! Plus.. my sister came back with another chocolate exotic from Sweet secrets! Woohoo.. Well, it was my dad's chinese birthday too! Double celebration! Mummy cooked mouth watering dishes that gosh! I need to run man! But what beats the feeling of seeing my family, my uncles, my aunties, my little irritant dominic and my baby there to celebrate the special occasion. Well, it's back to work and the reality life I have. I should start being focus in my work now, the urge of studying is building up! And.... I found a degree that i would probably be heading for.. Check out the website! Bachelor of Science (Early childhood Education) by Wheelock College. http://www.rtrc-asia.com/programmes/apdetails.asp?courseid=26 A wide spread of interesting modules... From drama theatre to special needs to society in the singapore context to social policy. The future subjects that would be increasing in Singapore Education system. It's would be an eye opening experience for me... especially with theatre, film and the importance of play collaborated together in this degree of early childhood. Well, would be finding out the important details of study loans and stuff! Hopefully registering in the weeks to come..... Another important factor in my life would be having the discipline to save money! Terrible urge of spending, that's the terrible side of me. But one thing's for sure, I did change in my thinking whenever i shopped or window shopped. Thanks to my baby the nag machine! Well, I think before I buy! And trust me.. it works... The many questions as I sit in the fitting room: "Do I have something like this?" "Oh no! It's my favourite colur black!" "How much's left in my bank?" "Clement always say "If i spend, it means he would have to save" (Where can i find such a darling!) "Do I realy need it?" "Ok.. Clement's gonna kill me if I buy 2!" "Must save for our holidays!" And at the end of the shopping trip, I either walk out the shop with nothing or just an item I know I need which cost cheap of course. Well, I am trying to save and it takes more work and endless thinking sessions when you are on a shopping trip. =) Well, we have to head down to the bank soon! The account that has the answers to our dreams and future. Well, then.. that's all folks.. thanks for every single one of you who remembered and made my birthday special. For those who don't remember.. don't bother! It won't bother me either.. Enjoy the pictures!
![]() ![]() Heartfelt thanks.. *Pinned up by the butterflies*
![]() Daddy and his little xiao zhu which he spoils! *Pinned up by the butterflies*
![]() My cake! *Pinned up by the butterflies*
+*In Perfect SiLence*+
+*LookinG ARounD*!+
Click on START first, and wait till the background color changes. Once it changes, hit STOP! The addiction starts here..
+*Weren't they just memories?*!+