Monday, October 31, 2005

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 11:14 PM*

Purple.Purple personalities strive to better themselves
spiritually, mentally and emotionally. They are
voracious readers, constantly seeking
knowledge, particularly in tales of the lives
of others. Wanting a greater spiritual
connection, they love the subjects of theology
and religion. Thus armed, they love to spread
their findings to others to help them on their
spiritual paths. Those who favor darker purple
work to find inner peace and love and a
connection to God or their higher power. As
givers, they are fine friends as they don't
seem to ask much for themselves. If they do
seek help from another and are not clear in
their desire, they may resent the fact that
their request is not forthcoming. They can
develop a hard-done-by attitude in this case.Planet: JupiterElement: FireGemstone: SapphireMetal: TinMusical Note: B - sacred music, hymns.

What colour are you?

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 9:38 PM*

cuddle and a kiss
cuddle and a kiss on the forehead - you like to be
close to your special someone and feel warm,
comfortable, and needed

What Sign of Affection Are You?

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 9:33 PM*

You are Charming, caring, peaceful. Your
personality shines out of you like a blazing
becon of light to guide the most troublesome
people through life. brought up in such a way
that you are pleasant, polite and have a sweet
smile for everyone. Everybody loves you, even
if they don't show it.

What kind of personality do you have??? (With lush Yukirin style anime pics!!)

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 9:25 PM*

You are blessed with the gift of tongues.You are an extremely friendly person to be around
with, and it's hard to ever hate you. You seem
to make friends with everyone you meet. People
are attreacted to your charm, and can't help
but feel comfortable around you. This also goes
for the animals, who seem to understand your
language as well as you can understand thiers.
Whenever there is a language barrier blocking
your way, you break it down with ease. You know
how to communicate with those who can't speak
your language, and in no time make a quick
friend. Man are you happy-go-lucky!

Everyone has a secret ability. What is yours? (7 answers with pics)

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 9:17 PM*

Was clearing some pictures on the computer
Felt emo and lost when I browse through those
The mouse clicked on "Copy to CD"
It's time to close the chapter
of once called a fairy tale
It's titled "beautiful memories for that moment"
to where it belonged now.
Thanks Lil Bao... for being proud of me
for the confidence that I can get over this
I'll be strong.
someday soon
lattes and martinis.... and lychee
and joey! Oopsy.. that's mine! Not to be shared. *Grinz*

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 5:37 PM*

Spoke to one of my besties today!
My ever dearest queen bitch Egeria!
How I wished she never left for Aussie
or just wished she would tagged me along

Dear Queeny bitch Egeria, Classy bitch Becky and a lil note to Honey bitch Fel

It's funny how it friendship began, from group of 4. We became just 3. Three years of Ngee Ann torture with late nights automobils, supper at the Prata place, pool at the pub, the guys, the girls, the crushes, the misunderstands, the fights, love triangles, and a lil thing called care and love. Despite all these, the distance that stood between us, we would always remember deep down, we are here for each other. We went through this phrase of who stood on your side and who stood on mine, the moments when you thought in you head "Would you give up your friend for your love" Oh, the common interest we had or rather the common interest Becky and I had while Egeria had her little playing commotions here and there. Nevertheless, here we are now, despite those people who nearly broke this friendship we had. For the times, you both have stood by me after all these years, thank you. I know that after all the hurt I experience in life of mine, you both will be there for me. Thru thick and thin, never regretted being one of the bitches in the group and of course not forgetting our dear honey bitch fel. Though our frienship just began a year back, it amazes me how this honey gurlie so up and about! Thanks for the nights where we chatted about life, love and everything else. It amazes me how you could make me feel better with all that bitching nights we have! Can't help it can't we? Well, Egeria and Fel, get your ass back here!!!! I can't wait to see you all!

Cheers to this bitchy friendship... hoping to see you gurlies soon!

love, baby bitch vril...

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 4:18 PM*

Sunday, October 30, 2005

I'm a sucker for good comments.
The doctor said I'm so lucky with the amazing look on his face when
he "inspected" my tummy and my back for the pox.
Well, the nice doctor said he's very impressed with the progress
and gave me Mc till wednesday.
With that puzzled look, I said "Wednesday holiday right?"
"Izzit? i thought Tuesday?"
Oopsy! I got it wrong...
he looked at me and said...
"Nevermind, I give you till Friday"
Which means...
No work for me
I need to focus on the things I need to do!
Reports, kids evaluation, settle on camp details, sleep, stop blogging (who am I kidding!),
and of course spend much time I have with Dolor and the rest of the peeps whom I've missed!
*Knowing that Dolor and I will be busy on our feet for the month of Nov*
But! We're planning a drive up to Malaysia hopefully the first week of Decemember...
Anyone wanna tag? Gimme a call.
Hopefully heading back to work on Friday, kids full dress rehersal
while Saturday is the concert at Singapore Conference Hall
and hopefully meeting the people that Dolor and I promised to meet up after we both get well.
OhhhHhhhh.. I can't wait!
Kite flying, the beach, night cycling, picnis, all the things we need to shop for!
Poof! Back to sitting on this chair of mine.. Darn!
Hate sundays, except for the sundays I go for evening masses.
Miss the choir, miss mass, miss being in church! Sudden feeling of emptiness.
Darn the pox!
But with Dolor decided to spoil me after my doctor's visit today
I managed to surprise my Pickleberryfairy while she swims in her pool
and of course drive around to get some fresh air, despite doc's advise to rest!
*Winks* that's how much Dolor spoils me!
I was just browsing around on the web, talking online with Lil bao
about how people are after break ups and the things that they say
When I thought about it, I smiled...
and thought "Whatever they say, they always do, for the sake or for other reasons,
only they know. Does it matter now? The chapter is close, they prove to all what they are
and what they want else where. Whatever reason.... time will let you realise that no matter how much you still hurt, what they said doesn't matter to the heart, it was only for that period"
Was chatting with an old friend of mine from KC,
It surprised her how she could feel that I changed
how I was calmer and positice about things that happened
and how much happier I am and looked now.
She said what everyone said "It's his loss, not yours"
Hearing that each time as I meet people, from best friends to new friends to old friends,
despite the imperfections I talked about and how I wasn't good enough to love the way he wanted.
Well, for some reason I decide to say I realised how imatured people are these days
Young little youth that think they are so much in their world.
2 words "Grow up" your time will come to grow UP! You're living in the world of reality.
I know I was once like you, but.. don't act all that matured.
It's a turn off and stupility you simply just show us all.
As Dolor would say "Ok.. That's Raeanne right? No more Lala.
Just wanted to get that out of my head... not trying to bitchy
It's just what I see and think.... "Ahhhhhh... what's on their mind!"
Been hooking myself on scrabble, it's like a drug!
which is good! Keeping myself occupied despite the amount of Dvd I have!
Temptation! Ah temptation..... dvd or reports?
OH! kill me, sue me.....
Abuse me, spoil me, seduce me...
What were you thinking!
Talking to the DVDZ!
Good sunday!
Can't wait to see all of you!

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 7:21 PM*

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Saturday with Lala
Reports, evaluations for work! It's never ending
come to think of it! I'm suppose to be on MC!
I'm missing my kids, but Teacher Avril's gotta be on another weeks MC!
Finally some peace at home!
Yipeee! Look who's here for visit to her sweetie
A visit from Dolor!
Snapping pix, snuggled hugs and sweet smiles and kisses!
*Happy day for us*
Match begins at 7.50pm
Arsenal didn't play too well *Sob*
Crazy poxy sexy chat with my sex guru
The quota for guru is 5! Simply miss ya!
Blogging and a whole lot of report
together with Dolor
we chiong the night with the workload!
to end the night
Today was a nice day

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 11:53 PM*

First half:
Avril: "Where's my Pires!" Shit Goal...
Second half:
Avril: "Ahhhhhhhh... Finally!"
"Goal!" (With a slap on my shoulder from my mum beside me!)
Never sit next to your mum for a soccer match
Lucky there weren't any pox there!

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 11:22 PM*

For those close to my heart or once close to my heart......
Read the lyrics of the song currently playing.
Maybe someday, one day You'll understand....

If I were an only child, I would be a lonely child
but baby we've got nothing to lose
I'm standing tall in my own shoes
I'll take this chance, I'll make this choice
I'll right this wrong, I'll raise my voice
if it means we'll be together for a while

I have never had a doubt
But for you I'll take time out
I'll push his love far away from me
and then I'll be completely free
I'll give up my security for just the possibility
that we could be together for a while

If you said "Jump!" I'd say "How high?"
If you said "Run!" I'd run and fly
Just for the chance, just for the moment
Should the moment pass us by
and if you ask once I'll tell you twice
I'll ignore the world's advice if we could be together for a while

I am taken by your strength
I've thought about it at great length
I thought that I was happy now
but there are things that I found out
Happiness means greater things
I'll sit here till that telephone rings
then we could be together for a while

Wait I'll tell my guy
Wait I'll tell my other friends
They'll all think I'm crazy
and ya know what? That depends...
'Cause I'm crazy in love with you and everyone's best won't do
They'll say my hopes will not come true
But I'm taking the chance
Because you only live once

And... If you said "Jump!" I'd say "How high?"
If you said "Run!", you know I'd fly
Just for the chance, just for the moment
should the moment pass us by
and if you ask once I'll tell you twice
I'll ignore the world's advice
if we could be together for a while

There are no guarantees, but if it means there's even a possibility
then I'll give up whatever it takes
I know I've made some mistakes before
It may be just another closed door
But we could be together for a while

If you said "Jump!" I'd say "How high?"
If you said "Run!" I'd run and fly
Just for the chance, just for the moment
should the moment pass us by
Ask me once I'll tell you twice
You know I'll ignore the world's advice
if we could be together for a while.

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 3:13 PM*

Friday, October 28, 2005

I heard Christmas is just around the corner
Would anyone willing to be Santa and make me a lil Tiffany girl?
Friday blues really got me surfing online
I know Dolor would say "Tiffany ah.... thanks ah!"
*Winks* You know I still lurve ya!
With my Nano and now say... one of the above
Avril's life is complete this year. Absoultely perfect!
The pox are drying up! Yipeee!
Apologizes to Andrea for not being able to meet up at thumper this month!
December's coming, Dolor and I will be there!
For a bestie I heard from today, I'm sorry for what happened and not being there
to give you that Avril gurlie hug!
For every reason it happen, I'm still here.
I guess sometimes, being nice and perfect for someone, loving the way you do
aint enough to make relationships work
Sometimes we just aint meant for the other party
or to put it in another way
our love wasn't good enough for them.
For every reason it ended,
you tried and put in your best
Time will heal
Fate will decide
I know how it feels right now
Be strong and live on!
There are people around that care about you! *Hugs*
And finally time check: 10.18pm
Dolor's finally home! *Missed you!*
Is the nose getting longer?

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 10:19 PM*

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 9:05 PM*

March: Attractive Affectionate.Shy and
reserved. Secretive. Naturally honest, generous
and sympathetic. Loves peace and serenity.
Sensitive to others. Loves to serve others.
Easily angered. Trustworthy. Appreciative and
returns kindness. Observant and assesses
others. Revengeful. Loves to dream and
fantasize. Loves traveling. Loves attention.
Hasty decisions in choosing partners. Loves
home decors. Musically talented.Loves special
things. Moody

What does your birth month reveal about you?

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 9:26 AM*

hair down

Hair Down
You are a simple person, you're the type of person
that doesn't really care that much about
putting your hair up and gelling it or
something. But that doesn't mean that you don't
like to keep up with trends-- but you usually
just have your own style. You have a group of
friends that you're very tight with, and you
also like to keep other friends outside that
group as well. You are a smart person, which is
why some people look up to you, and you don't
really care what others think of you, you just
think you're fine the way you are!

What hairstyle suits your personality? (For girls! And with pics!)

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 9:24 AM*

Dominant Personality: Grace

Good Traits: You're very dancer-like in your
step. You're light-hearted, and smile often.
You probably have a lot of distant friends.

Bad Traits: You don't take anyone or
anything seriously. It's not all fun and games.

People see you as: Happy, unaware, and
unnerved. You try and hide your emotions
because you think you always have to be
cheerful. There's appropriate times to show
emotion, and people may think you're uncaring.

You're Most Like: Innocence. You both have a
childlike purity. The difference is that you
aren't as bubbly, and tend to be more
artistically inclined.

You Need More: Protected. Don't open up so
easily to people. Not everyone can be trusted.

What's your dominant trait? (10 unique results)
brought to you by Quizilla

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 9:18 AM*

You are the Color Nymph and for you, life is a
party! You are an outgoing nymph who is fun to
hang out with. Because for you, being bored is
the last thing you want to be! You add colors,
luster, shine, and glitter to everything! No
one wants to sit around, yawning right? You're
always there to say a joke and play! It doesn't
matter what you're doing or where you are, you
just gotta have fun! You can make the most
dullest thing, like a chore or even school
(blah, school!) into an adventure or at least
get a few laughs from it! Color Nymphs are
always hanging around with each other, adding
spice to someone's life. Your motto is to get
up and get active!
It might be boring for you to do this but Rate 5
and message!!!

Deep inside you, there's a creature trying to get out... What is it??? (Beauitful anime pics)

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 9:14 AM*

Guy- Evan Girl- Missy

Which name suits your personality?

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 9:12 AM*

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 9:06 AM*

u love him/her more than u can say its love!!!

are u in love?

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 9:05 AM*

Courier New
Your dress is girly and that's the way you like it.
You Go Girl!

Which wedding dress is best for you?

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 9:05 AM*

Your a goth. Your happy being you and you dont care
if guys are attracted to you! Then why are you
doing this quiz? ehehehhe

Are guys attracted to you?

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 9:03 AM*

Thursday, October 27, 2005

I guess
I have someone to turn to
you would care
I would understand
it would be you.

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 10:03 PM*

In search for a movie kaki who would pay my ticket!
Pick your movie from above...
*I wish*
I would catch them anywhere, somehow.
You must be saying "Pride and prejudice" you must be kidding!
Don't you ever know, "Avril's a sucker for her KC's lit books"
Looking at the amount of titles I managed to catch with or without Dolor
within just 3 weeks of our chicken pox...
Check it out:
1. Beauty and the Beast
2. Missed Call (one and two)
3. Herbie Fully loaded
4. Guess who
5. The monster in law
6. Initial D (Again! while dolor hates it!)
7. The guru *for the 3rd time*(I was bored!)
8. Little Mermaid (One and Two)
9. A lot like Love
10. House of fury (Though I do have my own Dvd at home!)
11. Miss Congeniality 2
12. The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants (Good show!)
13. All dogs go to heaven (my all time fav!)
14. Honeyz *Repeated many times*
15. Spongebob squarepants movie!
16.Center Stage (Awesome!)
17. Alright.. the last 4 episode of the Season 2 of L word
(The Freaking madness scene of Shane and CArmen *Ahem*, Shane freak! Dun mind me)
18. and the first few episodes of Queer as Folk

So now you can imagine how much work Dolor and I are rushing through now
I guess everyone is, especialluy cause it's year end
Exams? Results? Bonus? Pay day? Holidays?
I can't wait! though time is running low as the date draws near
only yours truly would know what I mean
cherish time, fate, days, weather and happy moments
I think I'm Lala today
Dolor's taking me kite flying! (when these pox are over!)
O- well,
"I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts... small ones, big ones, some as big as your head"
*Go download it, from the lion king's soundtrack*
Back to the reports! DArn!
*missing you and and you and you and you!*

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 4:24 PM*

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Worried Lala, Tired Lala, Simply Lala, Watchful Lala, Lonely Lala, Hungry Lala, Missing Lala,
Itchy Lala, Emo Lala, Confused Lala, Bitchy Lala, "Listening to Jay Chou" Lala,
Quiet Lala, Mindful Lala,
I guess I'm just Lala

Looking at those poxz tonight, I hope to think that it is drying up, i hope?
Thanks to the many few who showed their care and offered their well wishes
I do miss all of you!
To Egeria, yesh.. from your baby bitch to your lil mz pox
A hug from me to this horny bitch of mine
To fel! Thanks for keeping those shopping list for me
the Aussie websites were amazing occupying my boredom at home!
Don't worry, list will come soon! Don't forget to tell the guy about me when he catches you snapping your cam of yours!
Can't wait these two bitches to get back! I miss you two!
*Stratches head*
That's how much I long for my Dove shampoo!
Tahan ... tahan ... tahan...
I'm half way doing my reports for my kids @school
I'm missing my little rascals
those laughter, concert practise, their singing, me scream at them!
Teacher's love... Hai... you won't understand unless u are one!
Figuring and planning dates, deadlines, camp dates!
Hoping and wishing I don't miss this first concert for this sch.
Parent teacher conference is drawing near, another busy month
addiction of camp with the kids, to add to the load I'm organising it myself!
Preparing for next year's K2 class, a whole lot of responsiblity
I doubt myself sometimes, if I'm even capable of being up to it.
I'm thinking of occupying this holidays with kickboxing classes
get my mind working before I get real busy next year
Hopefully, working till 4.30 everyday, degree classes, tuition
let me not worry about time, fate and other stuff
I guess sometimes fate just plays you around
time ticks away without you knowing
a million sorries won't change this flight
neither would it make one feeling better in anyway
What can you do when it hits like a broken record in your mind
just make you feel emo
and there's no one to talk to but this blog
Is that one of you?
I understand how you feel
It's life isn't it?
Fate, Decisions, Time
Where does Love ever come in?

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 8:53 PM*

Being like a kindergarten teacher, YES my bestie fairy!
Instead of asking if I was in class, she asked
"Are you sleeping?"
Pox oh pox!
How wonderful it is to stay home on a rainy day
and of course read an interesting entry
from my dearest bestie.
Only to hear
something disturbing that seems to be going on these couple of months
A typical ripper of things especially from her blog
Come on! We're all gulity doing it!
But! this particular one, seems to be so damn proud of herself
Sad to see what's happening
that she's not showing what really from in her
but the fake copier machine that is doing this
seem to be happily typing and I shall bluntly say COPY
sigificant word for word
from a bestie of mine
Look.... for every reason you're doing it
you just proved you don't have a origin of
mind, body and heart
Apologizes for being so blunt.
I hope you do read this too cause
if you think that's you.
Well, hello! thinking of ripping anything off my blog too?
Please! Get a hold of yourself
and be who you really are and not
who you want to be
U're suppose to be older than me!
Think about it, you know it makes sense.

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 4:30 PM*

The Wild Rose
Random Brutal Love Dreamer (RBLDf)

Colourful, but unpicked. You are The Wild Rose.

Prone to bouts of cynicism, sarcasm, and thorns, you excite a certain kind of woman. Hoping to gather you up, she flirts and winks and asks you out, ultimately professing her love. Then you make her bleed. Why? Because you're the rare, independent, self-sufficient kind of woman who does want love, but not from a weakling.

You don't seem to take yourself too seriously, and that's refreshing. You aren't uptight; you don't over-plan. Romance-wise, sex isn't a top priority--a true relationship would be preferable. For your age, you haven't had a lot of bonafide love experience, though, and this kind of gets to core of the issue. You're very selective.

Your exact opposite:
The Dirty Little Secret

Deliberate Gentle Sex Master
The problem is them, not you, right? You have lofty standards that few measure up to. You're out there all right, but not to be picked up by just anyone.

"You're never truly single as long as you have yourself."

ALWAYS AVOID: The Dirty Little Secret

CONSIDER: The Sudden Departure.

Link: The 32-Type Dating Test

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 9:52 AM*

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

My horoscope once told me today:

All of us worry from time to time, especially when tiny issues suddenly seem to multiply. At the moment, you might be worrying a bit more than you really should, but you won't be willing to let it go until you've spoken to someone about it. Whether the issue is health or work-related doesn't matter. Face it, get it over with, and get it done. It's time for a new start, but you won't be able to pull that off until you're sure.

And definitely I'm faced with this pox with the terrible urges to stratch till it goes away.
But the thought of having my loving parents boiling funny chinese herbs and making sure I stay away from all those food, I won't, or I will try not to. Well, chicken pox aint that bad, just that the itch last night was so bad that made my eyes stay up still 3am. Lack of sleep? tell me about it! Looking at how my meals are prepared now, and how the rest are eating... I swear the thought of fastfood or oily stuff makes me feel pukey in a way. Good training to lose that 2 kg I gained from the chocolate feast I had a month back! And I'm glad I'm losing it! Right dolor? So that I won't feel so gulity when I feed you with the chocolates I buy!

Heard a story from a gurlie today on how a fwen's ex furiously accused her of doing nasty thing that was never been done at that point of time. For a moment, I could just picture myself in this ex shoes, finding every single detail I could find just to push myself to reality, to fix up the broken puzzles from everywhere, and to see what was wrong. I could understand where she was coming from. It's funny when I think about it. In every relationship, both parties play a part, how it ends, it applies the same. Seen too many faces, faces of people that seems so fake. I always told Pickleberryfairy that "Things happen for a reason, and whatever that reason was was a reason for you to see things and people in their true colours and faces"

It's easy for one to say to another, but I'm coping with it myself. Assumptions, verbal comments, mind playing with emotions and unworthy heart breaking moments that they leave in your lives. Once bitten by this bug? I've seen my gurlies one after another, I've seen myself trapped in cycle where you loved till your last breath, what turns out was just just a line to draw between the lines, simply pure accepting for another. Everyone wear masks, maybe that's why when someone enter your life, and it turns with a certain unpredictable ending, sometimes fake, sometimes just a slap in the face to tell you "Is this person woth getting the slap in the face?"it's scary how this never ending cycle tumbles upon every single individual in this world, yet we're all suckers for these events that we can't seem to be the ones that prevent it before hand.

People leave and hurt, people laugh and cry, people stay and hope, people stay and smile. How about those who really gave their all in a relationship, expected nothing, wanted nothing, asked for nothing. Just wishing that their partner would love them for them and accept and understood things the way they are. Does it only happen it disney land or neverland? Where love and life was as free as how Peter pan flew and how innocent Tinkerbel is? I guess the temporary image of this just lingers within our hearts and not in our lives.

Who could ever explain what is love? Did a survey earlier on and they asked about how many people I did truly love in this life... *Counting* just three. One was a first love I was with for 3 and a half years, second was an ex that I was willing to change and spend my life with him, and lastly dearie Dolor. Disorganize thoughts humbly floats by this messed up mind, too much to handle yet what's there to handle. We ponder why things happen, how things could or could have been, blaming ourselves for each mistake we found, and wonder what we could have done, should have done, say or should have said. On a lighter note, each individual says things for a reason and not empty assumptions that are made unless they have lost their mind. What's past is past, like I said before a broken key that's thrown into a well of keys that have been used before. it's hard to find the right reasons, why people didn't cherish what you do for them, how masks they show to people around them to look like a better half. Well, not everyone can see the ryhme that you're singing. If they do, you would see what you wished and hoped for.

I'm just one of the many few.

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 7:02 PM*

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 12:49 PM*

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 12:48 AM*

Monday, October 24, 2005

Truth is
Feeling too ashamed of what I look now
I guess you said what you wanted
I do miss you
Fear cuts me
like I'm going to lose you being away
Maybe you might see someone new when I'm gone
Empty mind filled with emo thoughts
I'm insecure once again
Would you understand?
It's okay.
Maybe I need to understand myself
Maybe, just maybe
I might hear those comforting words from you.
For this moment,
I hope you'll be happy without me.

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 8:34 PM*

You're an Expert Kisser

You're a kissing pro, but it's all about quality and not quantity

You've perfected your kissing technique and can knock anyone's socks off

And you're adaptable, giving each partner what they crave

When it comes down to it, your kisses are truly unforgettable

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 4:20 PM*

How You Life Your Life

You have a good sense of self control and hate to show weakness.

You tend to avoid confrontation and stay away from sticky situations.

You prefer a variety of friends and tend to change friends quickly.

You tend to dream big, but you worry that your dreams aren't attainable.

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 4:16 PM*

Your Superhero Profile

Your Superhero Name is The Brain Light

Your Superpower is Invisibility

Your Weakness is Dust

Your Weapon is Your Force Foam

Your Mode of Transportation is Rocket

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 4:14 PM*

The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.

In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored.

You'd like to your lover to think you are optimistic and happy.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please.

Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.

Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.

You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.

In this moment, you think of love as something you don't need. You just feel like flirting around and playing right now.

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 4:10 PM*

You Are 40% Boyish and 60% Girlish

You are pretty evenly split down the middle - a total eunuch.

Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes.

You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don't actively fight them.

You're just you. You don't try to be what people expect you to be.

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 4:07 PM*

Your Mood Ring is Magenta

Mood Ring Generator

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 3:28 PM*

Your Seduction Style: Au Natural
You rank up there with your seduction skills, though you might not know it.
That's because you're a natural at seduction. You don't realize your power!
The root of your natural seduction power: your innocence and optimism.

You're the type of person who happily plays around and creates a unique little world.
Little do you know that your personal paradise is so appealing that it sucks people in.
You find joy in everything - so is it any surprise that people find joy in you?

You bring back the inner child in everyone you meet with your sincere and spontaneous ways.
Your childlike (but not childish) behavior also inspires others to care for you.
As a result, those who you befriend and date tend to be incredibly loyal to you.
What Kind of Seducer Are You?

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 3:26 PM*

Your Power Color Is Indigo
At Your Highest:

You are on a fast track to success - and others believe in you.

At Your Lowest:

You require a lot of attention and praise.

In Love:

You see people as how you want them to be, not as how they are.

How You're Attractive:

You're dramatic flair makes others see you as mysterious and romantic.

Your Eternal Question:

"Does This Work Into My Future Plans?"

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 3:26 PM*

Dolor sent me something this morning... makes one wonder...
*wonder over the poxz that are popping*

Compatibilty Test:

While Virgo is very uncomfortable with ambiguity and is always categorising and organising life into clearly defined compartments, Pisces is quite content to absorb lots of seemingly contradictory ideas without having an urgent need to reconcile them. Virgo likes to carve out an area of life and specialise in it, developing skill and expertise in this well-defined domain, whereas Pisces tends to drift among a wider variety of interests. Virgo likes a neat, tidy, orderly environment, whereas Pisces's natural habitat is cluttered, sloppy, even chaotic to an outside observer. Pisces is more poetic while Virgo is more comfortable in the world of facts. Your differences do not necessarily conflict with each other and there is a good possibility that you will appreciate and understand each other sufficiently to harmonise well. Neither of you are extremely ambitious or egocentric; both are gentle, even shy people, and your sensitivity is a plus in this relationship.
You are opposites in many ways, yet your differences can be complementary and you can certainly learn a lot from one another.
Virgo is factual, organised and efficient in dealing with material affairs, with an eye for details. Pisces is more imaginative and dreamy, and can be disorganised or foggy when it comes to practical matters.
With Virgo, intellect often rules emotions, but with Pisces feelings dominate. Pisces is sentimental and compassionate and may give unwisely or indiscriminately to people in need, with no sense of what is actually appropriate: Virgo also has a helpful, nurturing side but is more dispassionate, and definitely knows when to stop.
Also, Virgo is highly perfectionistic and critical and often has impossibly strict or high standards for self or others to live up to. Pisces is the opposite: tolerant, accepting, non-judgmental, loose, often undisciplined. Virgo is drawn to this quality of unconditional, uncritical acceptance in Pisces, and Pisces can benefit from Virgo's sense of order, clarity and simplicity.
Both of you are timid and even somewhat passive at times, with much sensitivity. Both are suited to work in the helping professions or along artistic lines (with Virgo emphasising technical ability and craftsmanship, Pisces emphasising inspiration and imagination).
Virgo's emotional responses to Pisces are very intense. If Pisces is physically attractive to Virgo, then the attractive power of Pisces over Virgo is extremely powerful. However, the attraction tends to have a love/hate quality to it, and you feel drawn to each other, but also wary and distrustful of each other. It is likely that you feel both drawn to each other and repulsed by each other at the same time! The emotional response to each other is intense and complex, and the ultimate outcome of this deep, complex emotional tie is difficult to predict, but one thing is certain: this is not a lukewarm relationship and you "get under each other's skin", evoking intense feelings from each other. Virgo can easily become obsessed with Pisces!
Your relationship has an upbeat, friendly positive quality that makes it fun to be with each other. You help each other laugh and take life less seriously. It is not unusual for the two of you to have a great deal of fun playing games or even while engaging in daily activities such as shopping, etc. You allow each other considerable freedom; you respect each other's independence, and are more interested in enjoying a good time together rather than dominating or smothering each other.
A serious erosion of security, confidence and self-esteem can occur in and through your relationship with one another, because you will be unable to escape confronting the shadowy or illusory aspects of yourselves, those places in your lives where you might wish to pretend or deceive yourselves. An overall feeling of pessimism may descend on you both from time to time, as you confront your own inadequacies and weaknesses. Part of what this relationship is about is learning to separate what is real from what is not, and stripping away false images and illusions. At best, a deep and serious attitude towards spirituality, and the desire to make your ideals a concrete, here-and-now experience will result. Do try to avoid a heavy, martyred, self-chastising attitude, though. A demand for perfection - either of yourself, your partner, or the relationship - will work against you.
Although you have opposite personalities in some ways, you complement each other well and both of you enjoy having a partners that takes care of many of the things that you prefer to avoid. Bonding is very strong and you are likely to be good friends throughout your lives.
The two of you are likely to collaborate on community affairs, political activities, or intellectual endeavours. Pisces encourages Virgo to participate in social groups and contribute to society in greater measure. It is likely that the two of you will collaborate on committees or in some kind of business. Whether your endeavours are successful depends largely on whether you can work together harmoniously; if you arouse anger in each other, you will end up being adversaries or competitors instead of partners in a team.
Pisces holds an unusually strong fascination for, and influence over, Virgo. You are drawn together by an almost irresistible attraction, and it may be difficult for either of you to extricate yourselves from this relationship because the bond between you is so compelling. Very little can be hidden from one another. Your subconscious motives, feelings, and desires are brought to light in this relationship, which is likely to profoundly change your attitudes towards yourselves. You are likely to feel either very much more powerful, or heavily dominated by, your partner. This is an intense and revealing relationship!
Sexual compatibility is strong, but could at times be a little more adventurous.

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 9:40 AM*

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 9:11 AM*

Friday, October 21, 2005

Dolor thinks I have this huge crush on Isaac. *I smell a little jealousy here!*
Check this out:

Me: Isaac, who's Teacher Avril's clever boy?

Isaac: Me! Isaac

Me: Then who's Teacher's Avril's darling?

Isaac *points to himself* Me! Isaac

Me: then who is Isaac's darling?

Isaac: You! *Points to my toe, cause I was standing next to him while he sits on the floor*

Me: You who?

Isaac: You, Teacher Avril

This is not a rehersed scene that is forced or dubbed.
Just pure love and adoration!
P/s: Isaac and Zach are brothers! too bad, they left for Taiwan without me. DarN!
Been too busy to blog and simply coming home like 11pm everynight from tuition
just makes me long for my bed and nothing else!
Another long day tomorrow, but it'll end up good!
Cause I've got a date with Dolor.
I'm serious, a date!
Wonder what's the plans?
*Ponders over water*
Good night!

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 12:00 AM*

Monday, October 17, 2005

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 11:48 PM*

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 11:23 PM*

Sunday, October 16, 2005

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 11:38 AM*

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 8:36 AM*

Saturday, October 15, 2005

I think I overkilled my brain cells with the amount of DVDz I caught within just this week.
Counting and still counting, I caught more than 10 shows and the number is still increasing.
Thanks to Dolor's daddy, we saved money, saved from the crowd, saved from discomfort in those cinema chairs and of course just away from civilisation. Just got home away from home, had "A missed call" DVDs maraton", Chinese shows, MTV, Endless animal planets, Baseballs games on cable that is awesome!, 3am Mac's delivery, a whole lot of K.O snuggled sleep, dehyrated from water (stubborn me!), nice chicken rice, afternoon nap, car wash which I simply lurve and home sweet home!
Releasing myself from the work pressure that I've been suffering from, I find myself often stoning, glazing and simply dreamy. My entire sleep cycle is out of control and the flu bug is back by popular demand with the precaution checks everyday that I might have gotten the chicken poxz. OH! Can't wait! Don't get me wrong, just that if I do get it now, I won't suffer from the old aged symptoms of the poxz plus I save $140 for the vacination that I have to go if my body resistence is so damn good (which I guess it's not especially with the flu virus that I'm getting once a while). The weekend's here once again, and here I am typing away on what's on my mind.
Just got back and heading out again, to the library and to bank in money! Yes, the control urge of shopping is decreasing, except when I see the ESprite signboards that triggers that mind of mine "OH! go in Avril... come on... Won't do any harm! (even if you just have buy a top or stare at that white skirt that u've been eyeing on)". Yes, the terrible temptation! but, I can control my hands! So... quick Dolor, get well for us to go on that shopping trip! Which reminds me... I'm missing my babez, Pickleberryfairy, Rosa dearie, my Lil bao and her darlin and her whole grooving grouppies.
I simply can't wait for the holidays which is currently starting the end of Nov instead of mid Nov. With concert, funfair, orienation for new intake and for planning for the kids camp, I''ll be mugging endless for the weekends for the next couple of weeks. Just pooped my vitamins and hopefully getting ready soon to head out despite my bed seemed so ever comfortable. "Nope! Get your lazy ass off!!!! Work work work!"
The ipod's been playing tunes that gets me grooving, emo and simply not myself.
It's bad at times, cause it affects the whole working mind and body.
Sometimes I find myself just being lost in transition and time
Reflecting on issues on myself. I often thought you would only refelct when u're older in life. Guess what, I came to a point to realise "I'm 22 and going 23" which was a good wake up call of everything that has been happening in my life. Reflections are a part and parcel of life, how people made you see their faces, mask and images of events and happenings. I thought alot about the past, of how I made one unhappy, how I made one miserable, and how I lost one I loved with my heart. At the end of everything, it's a closed book that make me reflect about how imperfect I was to be the cause of these. Maybe I am the cause of these events in my life, but right now, who am I to blame or push the blame. No one and not even myself. Things happen for a reason, tears fall for a reason, the heart hurts for one, the mind plays for none.
Reflecting on this is a funny bliss of what I am now, stronger, more matured in my thinking and views, more secured about the things around me and I have gained trust in myself and the people around my life. I fell thrice for one in the past, I fell over and over again these days even when I'm already down. Each time the new chapter begins, I turn the page of my life and write something new. Even though, there are nights I'm down and lost, losing away from myself and this reality world, I fight this fear of falling and hurting even if it takes tears and pain. I have gain trust in myself and for the people who cared and know how this really feels, I thank you for picking me up when the broken pieces fell in front of me.
I'm not afraid to say that u'll never feel this pain that's left here and how memories linger in this mind that flashes back and forth without a trace. Maybe someday you'll understand what love really meant and how much it meant, maybe someday. who knows? maybe not a day.
We don't know life takes us, where fate plays this game on each of us.
But we know, we learn in life, we understand in hearts.

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 5:05 PM*

Thursday, October 13, 2005

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 12:02 AM*

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 12:18 AM*

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 12:09 AM*

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

I lost myself once again
the scars to deep to vanish
trust and believe is what Egeria has said
Trust that I can get over this
and believe I can get over it.
Why is all I could ask
As much as I know the reason why
I know the reason for hurting
Thanks C.lee for trying to console me
U've already pushed me back to this reality
I saw a bus 35 today
the bus that brought you to a end of singapore
where you take a ferry and escape this world
It hit me right straight where it was already hurting
I wished yours truly didn't have to go so early
the night wasn't like before
sleep wasn't the same like before
I need to forget, I need to stop hurting
Ever wonder what is it like to be hit in the heart where it's already hurting most
to know that it would hurt yet you have no ways of stopping it
it breaks you like a broken glass, your head's shot into shattered pieces
U don't know which to save first
your heart of love or your mind of memories
I lost both...
hope the two of you are happy now

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 4:45 AM*

Sunday, October 09, 2005

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 1:21 AM*

I broke down in front of you today
I thought I was strong enough to face this truth
There's just too many things on my mind
I had to let go instead of running
Ever thought what was it like to fall when you have already fallen
and no matter how much you try to get up
the mind just gets out of control
and your body not move an itch.
It puzzles your mind how you fell and why did you even fall
How the cuts bled yet you're numb
The people seem to come and go and not stop
All you could think was "Could I just lie and never get up?"
Exhausted, tired and drained out of that energy
All you wished was a glass of Martini to cease that moment of helplessness
Think I have an alter ego in me
that seems to have various voices that whispers within
Endless voices that make me seem not to focus abit.
I'm losing it, the willpower to ever move on
literally draining my focus in my priorities, my goals, my dreams.
The pressure of work hits me down under
being that perfect educator that people expect of me
the expectations of being perfect affects the focus in my workload
that is piling like none before
The past scars me like it did before
I need to get back here
to reality, the reality of this world of my life.
The question is where to begin?
When to begin? How to begin? and What to begin?
The drive of being perfect with courage
Where did all of these disappeared to?
I told someone today that I'm lost
and when I'm lost, my mind plays with me
so does the heart.
At the end of all these, some get hurt including myself.
It's just how you see and understand what I'm going through
We spoke of old loved we had and how I felt after all of them
When Aaron and I ended and we moved along, it's funny how never could I feel one making me feel how I was with him.

It became a standard he set you might say.
But it's not, hard to explain. I would rather call it

"It was just a feeling of being loved on top of the world at that point of time" For an ex gf of mine, I realised what was wrong that never should have started. I grew to love her when we started, it wasn't I loved her and I know I wanted to be with her.
Next, came one I knew I loved with all my heart despite the many trails and fate played with us. I dreamt of the day of being his and having his kids. I saw us spending our lives together.

I was on top of the world having him and being apart of him.
But what I see now, was "Was he too? being part of me?"
It was like the last, he grew to love in the process,
and not love and wanted to be with me
because he wanted to at the every start.
As much as it hurt still, I guess he found someone who love him the way he wanted more than I do
and make him happy more than I did.
Memories will always stay, but I guess they would only live here and not anywhere else.
And I guess that's how far I could go, to shed a tear to let go and tell myself "I should go...."
I told Dolor today of the many things that filled my mind and heart how imperfect I'm beginning to feel once again
how I might fall when I've already fallen so deep
yet I know the bruise won't be too bad
cause I'm numbed to it.
Thank you...
for the times you stood by me and offered a shoulder to cry
for the times you gave me courage to pick up the broken pieces
for the times you showed me there is more to life
for the times you showered me with encouragement and love
for the times you gave care more than what I needed
for the times you believed in me
for just believing in just being me
Thank you and I love you for that.
"I'm on top of the forbidden city with a waving flag and a Cadbury chocz on the other hand"
You know how this hearts hurts when you see the tears
yet you wiped it away and say "I'm always here"

the love you show is incredible
no words can explain it, only you know.
For that little moment of tangled emotions and loss,
I pushed myself back to this reality world
to be responsible for my actions and identity
to move on and be strong in my emotions
I'm stronger and more matured now
No longer the one I used to be
the stranger in disguise
the girl with the broken dreams
if only you could understand me someday and someway
I thought of dreams today
of seeing pyramids, koalas and a yankees game, of farm stays for feeding lambs, seeing a beautiful sunset and

watching the gunners for just one match.
But dreams are just dreams, they are dreams that might fulfill my this life and not the next
You might say dreams might come true, I know that too
But, I guess fate might let me have just one dream
for me to know I'm ready to leave this world.
I long for a sight of the beautiful sunset
for me to stare at the sun and not be taken away again
Dream... just a dream.
Poof back! to this world of reality
I might make it back here
I will and I will do it right.

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 12:57 AM*

Friday, October 07, 2005

Daylight on my shoulder
Makes me feel alive
You kept me standing in your shadow

And it's a cold cold place to hide

I'm running away from this messed up place
I'm breaking free, yeah yeah

I'm tired of staring at the sun
Can't stand the way you burn my eyes so I can't see
Stealing every breath I breathe

You push me into overdrive
And I don't need this kind of light coz now I'm done
You took everything while I was staring at the sun

I know you won't let me
But just turn and walk away

I'm tired of when you kick me around
Trying to kill my dreams and break me down
But I won't hang around

I'm running away from this messed up place

I'm breaking free, yeah yeah

I'm tired of staring at the sun
Can’t stand the way you burn my eyes so I can't see
Stealing every breath I breathe
You push me into overdrive

And I don't need this kind of light coz now I'm done
You took everything while I was staring at the sun
I was staring at the sun

Daylight on my shoulder
I know its time to run

Yes I know its time to run

I'm tired of staring at the sun
Can't stand the way you burn my eyes so I can't see
Stealing every breath I breathe
You push me into overdrive
And I don't need this kind of light coz now I'm done
You took everything while I was staring at the sun
Yeah, yeah staring at the sun

You took everything while I was staring at the sun

Staring at the sun ~ Rooster

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 11:30 PM*

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Finally a day where I sit on this chair and ponder upon my life
Been running up and down
Feeling like a bookie today to sell off the Michael Buble tixs
As some would know, dearie's down with chicken pox
what a timing isn't it?
Fated I guess! But well, the tix are sold to one of my besties NiC!

Haven't been myself lately, my focus aint too right
Some have asked if I was alright
Seems like many saw the change in me
the stress is buliding in me

So many events to plan for the school,
From costumes, to fun fair, to orientation, to deadlines, to dance pratices
to endless tuitions, to children's exams to god knows what!
Where is time and focus when I need them?

I pondered of many things that happened throughout these 3 months
as I played Kevin Kern's tunes that were once sent to me by and old one
Memories flashed back were too strong to handle.
I pondered so hard, it hurt too bad.
I guess happiness is found somewhere else but here
and that it wasn't meant to be here.

The iPod updater is taking so freaking long!
and it's shuting my eyes.
Tomorrow is another day, last day of the week!
1. Big birthday party at work
2. Heading down to PS to pass the tickets, supermarket shopping for Dolor and heading to her place!
3. Sunday is family dinner! Auntie's 60th birthday! big dinner though my sister and I aint looking too forward to meet some others.
4. And yes, another week again with three times tuition a week and yes, home sweet home late everyday and of course taking care of dear dolor..... *Grinz*

And there the story goes
what a night it has been!
running here and there
maybe someday I'll run away from here...
Good night

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 11:56 PM*

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Random Ramblings

1. Finally installed my CS photoshop with screwing the installation!
2. Been down with this bad fever/headache/body-ache/funny tummy/no appetite!
3. Currently living on panadols and painkillers to survvie the pain for the day
4. Yes! I'm going for Michael Buble with Joey! Yippeee!
5. Hopefully get to meet my sex guru for her birthday lunch tomorrow!
6. The pain is back and it's killing me
7. Maybe you might never see me tomorrow. White roses
8. Waffles was great after Corpse Bride especially with you.
9. Concert details for the kiddos are planning planning planning
10. I got a big children's party on Friday! Need games! need games!!! Help!

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 11:18 PM*

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 10:51 PM*

Last Saturday's dinner with Lil Bao and Audrey was a little blast!
With a little long carpark wait that Joey and I had around Esplanade!
We moved to Park Mall instead!
Double Date you might say!
The date went perfect with a little indulgence with Aud and me and the Digi's
and of course the otherof our silly ones trying to "act cool" with the magazines!
Drove down to Liquid Room after dinner with a quene so long
yet all we took was 20 secs and Zoom...
All of us were in a Jam packed club with the DJ spinning for the nite!
Squeeze and non stop squeezing.. an hour was enough to kill!
My tummy's feeling funny that night
Shoo the funny tummy!

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 10:34 PM*

Saturday, October 01, 2005

I wish I knew

What's on your mind.

or is it just
ALL in the MiNd

Maybe someday I'll know, would it be too late?

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 12:27 AM*

+*In Perfect SiLence*+

Name:The beautiful letdown


Confused Multiple thoughts
Ramblings of a beautiful letdown
It's an irony to live and think as a perfect imperfection
Martini would make this Lala happy
The art of prOcrAstiNating
ipod groover, a lil dreamer and a dragonfly adorer
I bite! Watch out!

+*LookinG ARounD*!+

Xiao Bao
honeY bitcH feL
Dancing Chick
J Babe


Click on START first, and wait till the background color changes. Once it changes, hit STOP! The addiction starts here..

+*Weren't they just memories?*!+

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