Monday, January 30, 2006

No surprises how the New year just went by with a blink of an eye.
Exactly 12 hours ago, I was awaken with the many tasks I was given to help my mum.
Here I am at 11.41pm, blogging! What the hell don't you think?
I'm grateful for the extended holidays till Thursday
With an additional day of holiday unlike most other working individuals
It isn't a holiday for Teacher Avril this new year
yet, I'm piled up with a new theme of planning and evaluations work load I have to clear!
Was planning to head down Zouk tonight for Paul Van Dyk
but the insufficient sleep brings down the good spirits of a Martini lychee and good music
While the bed awaits me, and waiting for Joey to wash up,
blogging is the best way out in killing time and boredom
Was thinking back of certain things I said and done these few days
I broke a self promise of not to overdo things as a result of complicating over the most
simple things in life. I must be reeling over certain events that resulted me banging myself
in bed and thinking how stupility had overcome my thoughts that were right on track.
It's been a while since I heard the acoustic music strumming on my itunes
and how I wondered and wished how these fingers would work fine on a guitar
From Lifehouse, Maroon 5 to John Mayer and Howie day, they never sounded so darn good!
How often do you get yourself sitting on your chair with good music and an imaginary KTV
atmosphere in your room that you create by singing your lungs out
while releasing those mental blockage that has been left in the mind.
Been trying to get my foot down at emotions and life,
so easily to say I would, to hard to even think about it.
Things in life aren't always a perfect clear cut,
especially when it perplexes the unsound and lost mind of many
I'm a self admit fine example, which many find it hard to comprehend.
As a side of my life, I was left tangled and helpless
with each prayer asking to be stronger individual
to do the right things and say the right words.
What's ever right and wrong? Who was there to judge or to point the mistakes
Countless moments I blamed myself for certain events in life
that I often found myself being blamed for even thinking that way,
that the road we travel isn't always smooth, yet sometimes people we stop and meet,
creates the lil hiccups and the wrong turns where we regret and ponder over the years
I guess everyone of us have our moments of success, love and happiness,
but they will all pass in time. Keeping these in your life will depend on how much
one is willing to sacrifice and reach for these good intentions in life.
God knows how I could never take another disappointment back to back
with the many sacrifices and love I willingly gave, yet left me here tangled with scars.
As far as time has passed by us, we often find ourselves watching these memories
flashing back in a slow motion process that we begin to pinch ourselves to find that
we've been caught within the illusion and dreams instead of reality.
We're all learning... very much learning the right way of life
Browsing through a book that Egeria handed me years back
when I was at my lowest. The book titled "Lost and found"
keeps people on track of searching the sliver linings in life.
How we often find ourselves losing people and things in life,
yet the return results might sweep us to somewhere away from the
hurtful reality, to a place of a better life and a different view of our lives.
An emotional blogging and thoughts entry for the night,
I find myself opening to a new horizon in life that we don't often see.
Nothing in life is forever. There is never one who said it was.
It's how we individuals lose and find the simplicity and comfort and life
and how certain things happen for a particular reason we can't seem to find
It's one of those nights, one of these nights....
where we tell ourselves, it'll be okay.

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 11:53 PM*

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 5:57 AM*

Saturday, January 28, 2006

A moment ago
my eyes were closing
my head was nodding
and my nose was swelling
At this moment
water has perked me up a lil
an inspiration to blog after a week
But all of a sudden
I yawned....
and it's back to square one
I think the bed has a better effect than this blogging.
I'm a self proclaimed daisy pie
that all I longed for is just a laze and a daze....
*Promise to upload the recent pictures soon! look out...*

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 12:33 AM*

Saturday, January 21, 2006

I need to learn how to sleep
without waking up at 6am and 8am
Lost track of the days
that silly me thought I had work!
Darn! Bring me back to my dreams...

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 9:40 AM*

Friday, January 20, 2006

And so they say
the best time to head to Chinatown is in the afternoon
Well, think again?
with the hot glaring sun and the terrible heat
Teacher Avril got the dehydration symptoms and a major feet ache!
Where's a massage when I most need it so badly
My baybee's in Malaysia for a lil family trip
despite the desperates pleading of wanting to go too
Darn! Friday's "fun" instead at work
Well, but baybee's being a sweetie in helping me with my shopping there
while I get tied down with the work load
I have to clear by the new year's
The weekend's here with the new dvds bought from there
and a night cycling with baybee tomorrow!
Finally spending some time together away from my work
Happy weekends....
A thought of MOS is quite a temptation this sat with Bao!
Hrmp! Shall we baybee?

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 11:31 PM*

Thursday, January 19, 2006

And so this is a late post of shutterbug moments
I'm finallly able to log on this com of mine
thanks to my Nano being low batt
my Digi is too full on pictures
and my phone needs some mp3!
Been so utterly busy, that once I stepped into my bed
nothing tempts me but my bed!
and counting down and disciplining my body
I need my body resting by 11.30!
Too much work, too many kiddos' party invitations and so on...
It's gonna be long day tommrrow...
Water play for the little kiddos in the morning
and Chinatown in the afternoon for my BIG kiddos
and tuition at night
Yes, a trip out of school and hopefully no dreadful moments
where I would wanna strangle their heads!
Been speaking and screaming too much,
teaching a K2 class is no joke
with kids unable to even write properly, or even lazy to sit up
Teacher Avril is as strict as she can be
thanks to the high expectations of what my mum had of me.
I'm losing this voice with an upset tummy
down again with some flu I predict
BUT fear not!
Pipakao is on the way, hoping to fight these stoopid germs
for I have a night cycling maggie mee night with Joey on Saturday
and a lamp lunch date with the family
Till then
Joey's mummy's song list is rocking on my itunes...
the good old tunes, the oldies, the love songs...

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 11:28 PM*

Sunday, January 15, 2006

A million whats and a million hows
when one tried to understand
yet wasn't given a chance
One never went away
but staying right here
one was helplessly empty

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 11:07 AM*

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Gardening? You got to be kidding!
But lazing on this hot Saturday....
that's what the sun's been tempting me to do
Been busy here and there today
and finally ... POOf!
Here I am on my chair
enjoying my icy water, cool aircon and great jazz
But before I realised, I look again at my clock
Shit! Joey's picking me in half an hour.
I hate the sun
I loved the rain
Please come back some day
your greatest rain fan

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 6:00 PM*

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

It's been a while since I sat down and actually think what to write
with the short week ahead and the cold weather
I'm not surprised that I've been sneezing and coughing
Saturday was a party for Joey's bestie FEL at Zouk
with a nice dinner treat at Marche's
we ended the night at Zouk
with Dave Seaman spinning and funny people running?
Oopsy, I mean dancing!
A lazy wet Sunday staying home and chilling with baybee!
It's back to school!
An sms came around midnight
with the news of the death of my ex literature teacher from KC
with the numerous amount of sms I got within the morning
it was enough to fill up my inbox
Drove down to St Joseph's church with Joey for the prayers
Many ex kcians, many familar faces, many shocked feelings
It was an unexpected news,
which sadden many of those who was touched by her in one way or another
For me personally, she was the one who made me see Lit differently
with a dramatic teaching method, most of us could never fall asleep in her class
and of course from a 40 plus in Lit, I remember shooting up to a 80 marks
Many memories of her police action stories and of course the discipline she had on us
It was a night we remembered the old days, the school days,
the days where this kind lady came into our lives
Thank you Miss Devi, you'll always be in my prayers
For the night of many kcians there, it's like a meeting up session
with old mates and teachers.
Don't you miss the old days Joey?
where the word senior and junior were such hot topics? *Grinz*
Spent the Hari raya holiday with a short make over for Joey's lil brat
Lil brat = Larissa *Joey's lil sis*
and of course her darling and Joey.
Ended up snipping off a little of my hair and of course a great change for Larissa
We ended up dining at Swensen with the young love birds and Joey's parents.
*winks* Yours truly has achieved the target of shopping within half an hour
A coat for raining days and running shoes...
with addition of discounts going on... why not?
It's a good buy!
It's two days to weekends and hopefully able to meet up with my honey bitch!
and getting my ass down to the gym on sunday morning!
11.30pm, with my nano, digi and my hp being low batt!
I have to swallow at least 4 pills before heading off to bed!
Till then, where I can sit here and type the night away again
I'm enjoying Michael Buble singing on my itunes
and I'm loving the rainy nights...
Good night!

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 11:33 PM*

Saturday, January 07, 2006

A first Friday of the year: never been better
This whole week has never been so stressful and busy. A new year, a new start,
new classes, new kids, more work and less time.
Thank goodness for the short weeks at the beginning of the new year,
I get in between breaks for me to just sit down and just think
Been talking to my bestie lately, sometimes I wished I found the right words
to make her feel comfort and make her feel like there is love not only from one
but she has to try to start anew to look for love that she deserves.
But, who am I to say all these, to make her see what I do.
2005 has past, a year of tears and pain, of loss and hurt
It has been a year of myself as an individual
growing, maturing and learning from mistakes.
Events that has happened in the last year has made me see
that fate makes things happen, yet fate makes things twist
how things happened for a reason and how prayers are answered
It's how people takes things for granted, and how sometimes
some just dont deserve your love, sacrifice and apologizes and wishes.
I never stopped beliving in love, who does?
Maturity lies within how people see you and how you make things right
Who would be right to say they are matured enough to handle the word love
No one's perfect, neither am I
I learnt to believe, that I will be loved
by one who cares and believe right in their eyes:
That this is you, this is the person I accept to be as and this is who I love
Despite the many times I would wish my bestie to move on and look around
I stopped and thought... how she felt as how I was before
unable to connect the emotions and love the heart and the mind has
It makes one ponder about the memories, yet leave one sleepless and hurt in the night
It's how we fought for the words, 'fate, patience, time and love'
But who would ever understand these four words
who could ever wait and love, sacrifice yet hurt
for another so much, and despite it all
It just wasn't enough, or never be enough
When would be enough or satisfied? Or make another see what's right?
As I wrote this, this song came upon my itunes
I stopped and listened, and heard carefully of the lyrics of this song
Read it, maybe you might understand
Finally I figured out, but it took a long, long time
And now there's a turnabout,
Maybe cause I'm trying

There's been times, I'm so confused
All my roads, they lead to you
I just can't turn and walk away

It's hard to say,
What it is I see in you
Wonder if I'll always, be with you
But words can't say, And I can't do
Enough to prove, it's all for you

I thought I'd seen it all,
'Cause it's been a long, long time
But then we'll trip and fall, wondering if I'm blind

There's been times,
I'm so confused
All my roads, they lead to you
I just can't turn and walk away

It's hard to say, what it is I see in you
Wonder if I'll always, be with you
But words can't say, and I can't do
Enough to prove, It's all for you

Rain comes pouring down
Falling from blue skies
Words without a sound
Coming from your eyes

Finally I figured out, but it took a long, long time
And now there's a turnabout,
Maybe cause I'm trying
There's been times, I'm so confused
All my roads, They lead to you
I just can't turn, And walk away

It's hard to say, What it is I see in you
Wonder if I'll always, Be with you
But words can't say, And I can't do
Enough to prove, It's all for you

Hard to say
Hard to say it’s all for you

And so it's hard to say or even see or understand
Would they ever know that it's all for them
My bestie, my fwen...
for the many times you felt that people don't understand
pray and believe that someone out there,
have been in that very situation, that pain and that tears
I'm one of them.
As much as many would say time would heal the pain
what else within that pain would be difficult to understand or comfort
Sometimes, we hope for comfort and strength
or happiness and thoughts
I guess, for these moments we pray and wonder
it would be someday we would both have it
and smile to one another and say:
"It was worth the time, the pain, the sacrifice, the tears and the love"
Another 3 hours before I'm heading out,
A night out with Joey and a birthday @Zouk to attend
A time away from work, thoughts and books!
and definately a Sunday @Queensway to buy my running shoes!
And so the question pops this weekend for you readers
"What's your views on cradle snatchers?"
*Apparently, a hot topic and a common scene I see these days*
Post a comment... let's do some research on these cradle minds!

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 4:17 PM*

Thursday, January 05, 2006

New year's day before heading to Joey's place
A lil shutterbug moment before we headed outside Zouk with slippers!
*just to say hello to people*
"Can we go now?"
Two silly 'children' trying to fix the chicken little toy
Two brats I lurve!
My baby brat I spoil!

Finally some spare time to blog and bitch
does it rhyme?
Been so damn busy ever since work began
and here I am thinking of the next holidays
And now..... I have the sudden urge of
stopping this crap and say goodnight
Too daze and tired to put up the New year pictures I had with Joey
so here they are, unphotoshopped with little display
till then.............
I still wonder
was thanks all that could be said?

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 12:22 AM*

+*In Perfect SiLence*+

Name:The beautiful letdown


Confused Multiple thoughts
Ramblings of a beautiful letdown
It's an irony to live and think as a perfect imperfection
Martini would make this Lala happy
The art of prOcrAstiNating
ipod groover, a lil dreamer and a dragonfly adorer
I bite! Watch out!

+*LookinG ARounD*!+

Xiao Bao
honeY bitcH feL
Dancing Chick
J Babe


Click on START first, and wait till the background color changes. Once it changes, hit STOP! The addiction starts here..

+*Weren't they just memories?*!+

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