Monday, February 27, 2006

A tempted moment of opening my CS2 to put up some pixs
My tired eyes and weak body form aint doing too well
Running from one class to four classes
even a perfect weekend aint good enough to handle
I had a good weekend
A night at MOS
to a dinner surprise on Saturday planned by baybee
and with extra surprises from Pickle and Bao
thank you
This birthday is more than enough to remember now
the shutterbug would be up soon

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 11:25 PM*

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Stole a site from bestie pickle.....
I'm sleepy and drowsy
and I'm counting down to a date I have with my baybee...

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 3:30 PM*

Friday, February 24, 2006

I have a birthday date with baybee tomorrow
Clueless about this birthday surprise from her
I can't wait!
As I groove to the beats of Benny Benassi
I'm 2 hours away to a night @MOS
with my grooving babes, my sex guru and my hottie baybeee...
It's Friday! Yipeeee!!!

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 8:31 PM*

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Where we often find ourselves
in deepest thoughts
and simplity heart
naive and sudden
the urge of being found lies within one
when reality sometimes collide with time
the uncertainity and doubtful questions
awaits the night to end for today
Sitting by this profuse mood
I will continue to type as I touch the keys
Seeing many imaginary lines drawn all over
the perplexity lands many into mystery of how it works
Searching within our soul
confusion state overcomes the fear
Fear of losing, finding and losing once again
protecting one self of getting hurt and emotionally drained
It's ok to tear once a while, yet be grateful and brave
to reach for the better things and dreams
Where everything in those shades looks so empty and dark
The reflect of the light makes us stronger and fight back to reality
and move on in the right sensible direction
There is a certain place and time for that sunlight
Be patient and it will shine for you
I'm a dreamer
those pieces of mine I often pick
I fixed them into that jigsaw of four walls
and there I see
that's all I could be
it was just me

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 11:42 PM*

While suffering a massive insomia weekend
the little gurlie has set her tired eyes surfing her favourite webbies
She is so shocked by her love for the following sites
that it kills her baybee sometimes
I think I have learnt an addiction to fill....
my wardrobe, shoe rack and the pleasure of my eyes

The wardrobe pleasure one
The wardrobe pleasure two

The shoe rack addiction one

The shoe rack addiction two

Pleasure of just peeking

And so, I'm happy the addiction is undercontrol
with little temptation to overcome
Waiting for baybee to wake up while I finish up my work!
It's Saturday and a lazing day once again!

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 10:21 AM*

Another week's zooming past
hope you enjoyed the written poem by my kids @work and myself
It's amazing how I managed to get through the week without the Mc
and how I just tahan this darn cough of mine
Looking into the first two hours of Saturday, I asked myself
"How did time pass me so quickly?"
Been planning out routes and spending for the trips
and somehow we figured Sydney was place more to see and remember
rather than Melbourne
So what's hopefully to be confirmed soon: Flying to Sydney,
driving to Melbourne for a 4-5 days trip
head back to sydney about about 2 weeks
and last stop driving to the blue mountains before flying back
The excitement is building the tension of saving and working hard for money
Calculating, able to afford and have balance to carry on saving.
Work's been on the tough side lately, with the little time of preparation
I'm grateful for baybee for sending me to work everyday
and making sure I get enough sleep due to the bad cough I had
A week before this, late nights to prepare something special
and this Sat, I'm back to mugging with work once again
Valentine's day was great....
1. Making Chocolate coated strawberries with the kiddos
2. Having to have the kids feel proud about their poem
3. Meeting Baybee for a nice dinner
4. In the midst of dinner came a special surprise.....
*A love me or hate me moment, where baybee was shocked to her wits*
Giving a funny grin, I remembered that look on that face and said "baby!!!"
Yesh, my baybee is now a proud owner of the ipod Nano.
Despite the deal was 'NO PRESENTS'
Come on: Welcome to the Nano club!
5. And to end the day, the dvd player played 40 year old virgin
which I only managed to finish watching 2 days back!
Speaking about pressies, I have received 4 presents today
for this 23rd exclusively from baybee who won't be in Singapore in March
Now, I'm the proud owner of....
1. white handphone cover to avoid mixed up with our similar phones
2. A BMW ... in ten years *winks*
3. a white bag I've been hunting
4. a CD player which connects to my Nano
and last of all... something special that lead to many tearful smiles
5. A globe shaped jigsaw puzzle with the picture of Ariel the mermaid
Something sentimental relating to my childhood
and a jigsaw I used to have of the cartoon
that never could be completed due to a missing piece.
Thank You LOVE! *Sweetest smiles, hugs and kisses*
I can't wait for the 25th: the special day

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 1:58 AM*

Sunday, February 12, 2006

I love family dinners, where cousins gather
and the food we tumble upon despite that growing tummy
just when we thought we could escape the after effect new year belly
Here we are indulging too much into my mummy's cooking
I've completed some of my work thanks to baybee
Wise brains, fast hands and a good concentration of magnets!
My kiddos's valenetine's pressie for their parents are almost ready
Yesh, month of Feb: Love is in the air
Where expensives roses are such a hit and dinner tables are filled with candles
As for myself, I haven't got a clue... as viewed by many and myself
It's just another day.
I'm looking forward for the June break where I'll set off with my bags
for a journey I longed years back
The destination is set: Sydney and Melbourne
You might think it's not big deal. But coming from a not well to do family.
A trip like this is a dream for me since I was young.
With advises and guides from people, plans are underway to make that great escape
As you know, teachers can only get holidays in June and December
how often could we think that tomorrow's future doesn't matter
speaking from an working adult and of course emphasing that day that I will turn 23
Each moment is important to every step we take.
The future lies within each self, it's how we plan and carry them out.
I discovered the sides of life more clearly and how it works.
Acceptance, patience, courage, maturity, love, fate, time, life, despair, anxiety, stress
how could we ever comprehend all of these within a lifespan of our lives
For now, Avril's still a busy individual who never get ever busier.
Work work and endless workload, I'm still happy doing them despite some breakdown nights
But, I'll work my ass off... just for that one getaway... one dream,
and one moment in my life I achieved within my limits...
Next stop: An arsenal match? Hmmmmmmmm........... *hopefully in 4 years*
Why 4 years? that's when I'm 27! 28 sounds a lil too old! *bleh*
Nights out!

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 11:11 PM*

Saturday, February 11, 2006

they say that life is in these hands
you give everything you give yourself away
you give and still you choke
and find yourself running for the door

Currently listening to: Dishwalla 'Home'

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 1:12 PM*

And finally before I start the mugging work process once again
This could be one of those moments I can sit and blog abit
Uploading like a hundred pictures that were taken within a week
and I wonder how this com of mine is gonna hang on much longer
Haven't been home for dinner the entire week
Not a single time I could sit on the dining table of even the sofa
to sit, look at my parents or even have a meal
in recent development of my work process
it resulted me into a *work*bring home work*less time work*sleep and daze* mode
Apologizes to the many peeps whom I was suppose to meet up
and of course to baybee for being understanding
in trying to fit her schedule into mine
The constant attempts of breaking down is too great
I'm holding on to the light where it often fades on me
I see the world around me growing with me
and seeing how in a few years I'll be independent
with a good income and of course good job.
It's been a while since I thought about the future and what lies ahead.
I could be happy
satisfied and contented with the little dreams I have
It doesn't take wealth, a high paying job or possession
to make this happen
It's about me as an individual, to grow and learn
to fall and to fall
to pick myself up and to learn
I'm turning 23 in a month....
*what else can an adult think of when she's blogging*

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 11:14 AM*

Saturday, February 04, 2006

What do you get when you leave a pack of cards with 6 individuals
with a desire to earn back winnings just winthin a night
that's 4 hours of bun luck till 2am for you
With Fel's insane theory of CNY: Eat more, Get drunk and Be broke
It was a great night despite Chloe's disappearing act for the night
Of course, many happy smiles for Fel and me.....
Winnings oh winnings!
"the men just don't get it", do they?
Well.... a Friday night like this
with an analysing& bitching dinner with Bao and Joey
this day only comes once a year
Happy Lala, not so broke Lala and sleepy Lala

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 2:19 PM*

Thursday, February 02, 2006

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 11:36 PM*

+*In Perfect SiLence*+

Name:The beautiful letdown


Confused Multiple thoughts
Ramblings of a beautiful letdown
It's an irony to live and think as a perfect imperfection
Martini would make this Lala happy
The art of prOcrAstiNating
ipod groover, a lil dreamer and a dragonfly adorer
I bite! Watch out!

+*LookinG ARounD*!+

Xiao Bao
honeY bitcH feL
Dancing Chick
J Babe


Click on START first, and wait till the background color changes. Once it changes, hit STOP! The addiction starts here..

+*Weren't they just memories?*!+

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