Monday, March 27, 2006

It's just these days

where T.I.M.E

is moving just too


and all one can do

is just S.I.T

and watch day pass this


*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 8:39 PM*

Sunday, March 26, 2006

All I want is to feel this way
To be this close, to feel the same
All I want is to feel this way
The evening speaks, I feel it say

I have finally found my long awaited search! thanks to my baybee darlin!!!!
Thanks love, without you
I would be still searching

Currently listening to:
Artist:Toad The Wet Sprocket
Album: Fear (1991)
"All I Want"

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 9:06 PM*

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 4:54 PM*

This mind blowing week often ends off well
An utterful awful start to the week
to actually put my attention on naive behaviours
and totally disappointment
it's not surprise like what many said...
"behaviour indulgence in their own kind, no wonder they make perfection"
Stupility and simple comprehension to understand
Gosh! Their minds must have grown somewhere unnecessary...
they need to grow up! and i mean GROW UP!
cause most of the time growing up isn't always about you.

So then, an end to a deprive attention from these people
I move on to a greater and more worthwhile things in my life
With a week that passed 23rd, I was surprised at work with a cake
and of course children singing and yummy strawberry shortcake
with good intentions by my boss because of my weak throat.
And of course, a good start to inspector's visit and also lesson plans hand up!

What more can I ask for this week? with baby dearest smiles and love from far
and a Saturday night with my Pickles and our window shopping
We're proud gurlies of "NO shopping bags for the night"
So there goes Lala's one week just passing by.....
which I often find it hard to believe week by week just passing like that

Which all ends well, Lala feels loved by her baybee and fwens......
there's nothing in life that can bring you down except for yourself.
Actions speaks louder than words, character looks better than sight
In this life, we were meant to fall and lose... once hiden and never found
it's how we humans become stronger in our hearts and sensible in our minds
I witness how unfaithfulness played a senseless role in some
which comes along with indulgence of self and a faded face of good will.
Where we ourselves often pray that we live better than the hurtful past
we would be rewarded with a better things in life rather than a disappointing character.
Disappointment doesn't last long to matter,
a proven identity of childishness and pretense doesn't get one far in life
Well, it happens...
think about it.

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 10:16 AM*

Monday, March 20, 2006

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 8:55 PM*

Artifical and Disguising
These actions make me feel like puking
Such disguise and juvenility
Oh! such a pity.....
Of such a quality of blindness and childlike appraisal
It's no wonder isn't it
Satisfying their need of callow desires
For goodness sake...
grow up and act like one
aren't you one of them in the first place?
oh! I forgot...

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 8:20 PM*

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Story one:

There she sat in that seat
all comfortable and happy
It was a red car that caught her eye
A colour she would never take her eyes on
Turning the angle of where she sat,
it was someone familiar she knew
someone close, someone loved
and there that someone stood cudding with a white puppy
It was a happy smiles that filled that car
A moment of peace, security and love

*beep beep* goes the alarm on the handphone next to my ear

Darn! Why wasn't it real! *Baybee that's a hint for that white dog in future purpleasE?*

Story two:

I heard a lame joke I'm awfully amazed
of how lame one could be as old as he/she gets
It was a sentence of reckless childish-ness and utterly youthful
Too much indulgence can lead to downfall of a maturity level
especially intellectually and street smartness
A full disappointment and an amazement how "young" people think
Looks aint everything as you think you might have
Gosh... where have you been lately?

Comments from people:

1. "Gosh... jackass"
2. "What... lame!"
3. "Why am I not surprise of such immaturity level from someone who's with another"

Story three:

A girl heard a beautiful story of acceptance, how one would love and accept another for who she is. With such great love, this girl broke down in tears with failures and imperfections. She spoke as she cried 'I fell when I lost you'. Reading on, one confessed how she would love her girl in the story, how she would stand side by side, never letting go and picking up thsoe broken pieces. As the girl read the story, she took the tissue to dry those tears and said 'these stories never do come true'. When she picked up that book once again, one spoke of how she would never let her fall once again, never forced girl to be someone else and loving her the way she is.

*Don't get the story? You weren't suppose to. Only the girl would understand.*

Edit: 3am

It's another sleepless night, with little concentration on work
Just a day away to work sweet work, another round of busy week
and hopefully a good weekend ahead.
Reading the stories above bring such thoughts of what wnet through in people's minds
especially in this modern society.
Well, what goes through this head of mine
are theme webs on safety and eggs for easter!
Easter's coming, so is April!
*Hoping and wishing upon no darn star*
that the day would come soon.
I'm hearing the strums of the guitar once again
how 'collide' never fails to bring out that emo side of me
how it could be played repeatedly without a sick feeling
Somtimes... You and I collide for a reason.. it made our love stronger.
Happy Sunday everyone......

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 2:23 AM*

Friday, March 17, 2006

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 6:02 PM*

Thursday, March 16, 2006

These are only a quarter of the pictures uploaded
The shutterbug fever will be back tommorrow
for an exclusive entry of
"Lala's turned 23"

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 11:31 PM*

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 10:47 PM*

Monday, March 13, 2006

As so the so- called SMS invitations are out
Many thanks to the many sweeties who are coming
despite exams/work/holidays the next day
and of course
to Pickles who promises to be happy with Lala from dusk to dawn
to Bao for studying so hard now so that she would come
to Candice despite her training the next day is coming down
(*with exceptions that she'll eat her burger faster this time*)
to Jan *whom i'm crossing my fingers* who can try to get the reservations
and the many many others....
Lala will try to enjoy while Baybee's not here
But Lala knows and remembers
the little surprise baybee gave before she left
Missing you my love.....
Come home soon!
Lala is happy for Wednesday is coming!
tomorroe's early tuition and heading down to school
and of course a mini celebration with my family at night
And on Wed morning, I'm heading back to work for a bit
and coming home to ZZZzzzzzzz
before heading down at night!
It'll be nice...
Pictures will be up when everything reaches this folder of mine!
Good night world...

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 11:15 PM*

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 7:07 PM*

And so....
Lala is happy watching a match
With silly goal misses and terrible mistakes
Pires' still such a hunk
and Henry doing his magic...
What makes me happy and sad?
Lala's proud of the gunners
I'm not there! Darn!

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 4:22 AM*

Sunday, March 12, 2006

The beginning of a new break always leave a room of empty dates to fill
And the usual routine of the big 23 that's coming.
Lala's often sick before it.
And so, a week has past... leaves a restless mind and a lonely heart
But Lala's happy with great fwens, old and new and of course
a baybee that's dotes on me from far.
It has been a bust week, with preparation for the last day of term
Evaluations, clearing up, play practise....
It's no wonder I cancelled on my tuitions for time.
And when Friday came, I packed my things and said
'Darn! Another week of holiday my ass!'
A week since baybee left been TORTURE!
No Dvd kaki, no breakkies and snuggles and of course... not being able to
squeeze and bite! Come home come home!!!!!!! hurry come home!
The weekend started off well, with besties that made time to celebrated Lala's 23
From coffee on Friday night, Cartel and pre rouge on Saturday and
a day out with my lil bao to town, to end off the week.
But that's not all! Baybee's been doting her girl even when she's in Perth
With a new purple polo and a new jacket and underwear.. and still counting!
Lala's feels loved by the people around her!
This Wednesday feels homely yet clubbing...
I'm in for a round of drinks and groove at MOS, ladies night.. why not?
But one week also means, make up tuition, getting ready for new term,
my darlin honey bitch's birthday and hopefully sufficient rest and rest and rest!
I'm counting down to 1st April or hoefully before that for something real special.
A dream, a hope, a love and a desire..... Wait and see...
Hopefully, I'm able to upload those pictures on the blog soon, before it gets outdated!
Enjoy the week ahead... did I mention? Lala's on HOLIDAY!

On a lighter note,

Dear Pickles,
Thanks for making time for me. My Pickles is happy, so is Lala.
As we all expect the unexpected, we cherish them each moment
For making Lala happy, Pickles' such a darlin to get me the dragonfly pendant
and of course indulging in 'PickereeLala's Happy Cam Moments'
My bestie, my gurile.. we have our moments of love and be loved...
that would be the greatest love in our lives.
Thanks for being a special individual in my life,
being there when i'm down, being there when I smile.
I hope to do the same for you too..
especially when you're in Cloud 9 now! *Bleah*
Luff ya!!!! *hugs*
love, Lala

Dear Baybee,
It's only been a week and a day, the torture's killing my brain cells
Thanks for making me a part of your shopping trips!
I can't that special day... and you know what it would be
Despite the little quarrels we have over a distant apart
you know how this love has become, how stronger we are
and how closer the bond gets each time.
As the song goes... "My hump my hump my hump....."
I know the agony of hearing me groove to that song
simply kills those ears of yours... it's been ages since I first heard that song
and up to this day... I'm being an utter brat to kill your ears....
So how? Still wanna come back a not?
Love you baybeee... u're greatly missed!

Catch Lala's happy moments soon on bloggy!

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 11:59 AM*

Saturday, March 11, 2006

As distance and despair stumble upon this restless mind
we find running as better option in life
I come to realise how much distance brought me here
and how far one would run for you...
The heart and the mind would never leave one place
Strength, determintion and the will power to finish this race
No one never said it was going to be easy
But keep in mind, of those who comfort and love
their strength and support keeps the mind stronger and hearts fonder
No one said I'm leaving this race, or I'm giving up
Against all odds of wind and change
this race is what I wanted, needed and hoped
No one ever said it would be easy, nothing is
Don't give up watching, as the sidelines are my determination
to seek you at the end of my race was my only dream
I'm fast and I'm building
Don't give me up....
I'm trying to be that runner for us this while
cause my prize.....
is my road walked with you...

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 1:44 AM*

Sunday, March 05, 2006

When I entered a room of memories
I fell back down
and those tears I held back tightly
fell like a breaking glass
I told myself "be strong"
but those words often said yet uncontrollable
I thank the friends around who came
afraid that I would fall right there
My bestie who called back to check on me
I have lost the battle, the fight to be strong
deep inside lies a weak soul
longing a mising piece of me
it's only been six hours apart
Could I go back to where we were
and asked you to stay
I'm missing you.....
so often said yet this time it hurt so much
Staring into this room of mine
reminds me of times with you
Where are you my baybee....
Please come home, I need you more than I ever knew I could.
Bring me home...
Arsenal's playing a good match
yet my mind's unfocused
I bought another Arsenal cap today
and Baybee was with me
I bought a beanie for Sydney's trip todae
and Baybee was with me
Could you be with me tomorrow too?
i promise no Esprite shops *bleh*

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 12:36 AM*

Saturday, March 04, 2006

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 11:56 PM*

Friday, March 03, 2006

For the first time this year
I'm home at 5pm
with a more relaxed and profound mind
I finally got my thoughts moving despite the drowsy medication
I'm off in an hour or two to Ikea with baybee
to add some shelves, frames and candles to the shopping cart
It's the last night we would be spending before she flies to Perth tomorrow
And yesh, I'm running a little late and I'm drop dead hungry!
I'm packed for the sunday with work deadlines
1. Children's script for Pinocchio play
2. Worksheets
3. Lesson plans
4. Oh! Time of the month to pay the bills
5. Fixing up my web cam
6. and leaving some time to upload my Nano
Other than that,
I would be drinking plenty of some white fungus drink my mum been brewing
and an addition dose of medication
Congested lungs and short breaths aint doing me good
Maybe one day o2 would die on me
maybe someday I won't remember this
Maybe one day.. someday...
Lala's out
Be back on Sunday with pictures!
Happy Friday!

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 5:42 PM*

Thursday, March 02, 2006

In the midst of this flu bugging night
I find myself induging in the song "Collide"
The strums of guitar where I often dream I could
I'm counting down to 7.50pm this Saturday
Where my baybee leaves on a jetplane
The days passing too quickly for us
not a single moment to stop for a breather.
I'll be spending some time with baybee tomorrow
from some ikea shopping to night cycling
My bestie comforted me on MSN recently
not being sad to cry
for I should cherish the time I have right now.
For my bestie, in time for need and anger
I'm here for you as much as I know you're here for me
the medicines taking effect
my eyes feel blinded by the reflection
and my throat sores for tonight
It's just a night for the flu bugger
Did it catch you too?

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 11:05 PM*

Upload some pictures of last week, due to the fact that I'm sick and I'm on MC today
The flu bugger has given me some time to put pictures together and blog!
BUT!!!! my CS2 is giving me problems...
Well, enjoy the pictures while the dosage of medicine gets my mind blank!

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 10:41 PM*

*RAmblinGs oF a bEaUtiFuL LeTdoWn@ 10:39 PM*

+*In Perfect SiLence*+

Name:The beautiful letdown


Confused Multiple thoughts
Ramblings of a beautiful letdown
It's an irony to live and think as a perfect imperfection
Martini would make this Lala happy
The art of prOcrAstiNating
ipod groover, a lil dreamer and a dragonfly adorer
I bite! Watch out!

+*LookinG ARounD*!+

Xiao Bao
honeY bitcH feL
Dancing Chick
J Babe


Click on START first, and wait till the background color changes. Once it changes, hit STOP! The addiction starts here..

+*Weren't they just memories?*!+

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